NHO on the secret client list of Støre’s new press adviser – Latest news – news

8 December 2022 at 20:26 NHO on the secret client list of Støre’s new press adviser NHO was on the client list of Jonas Gahr Støre’s new press adviser Kristoffer Thoner, when he worked for the consulting company McKinsey. NHO’s Nina Kraugerud Ertzaas confirms this in an email to news. – In connection with NHO’s annual conference 2022, a contract was entered into where NHO engaged McKinsey to give a presentation. In the run-up to the Annual Conference, NHO had meetings, e-mail exchanges and contact with McKinsey. Kristoffer Thoner was McKinsey’s contact person, Ertzaas elaborates. Thoner was appointed State Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office (SMK) on Friday. He will now be Støre’s closest press adviser. Neither Støre himself, SMK nor the public have so far been allowed to see the secret client list Thoner had in McKinsey. This despite the fact that SMK itself has requested access to the customer lists of the new state secretary. Telenor has previously confirmed to TV 2 that Thoner had the company as a client. In addition, the newspaper group Amedia has previously informed NTB that they have had Thoner as an adviser.
