NFF Oslo turns around – Klemetsrud and Holmlia get to play cup match at Mortensrud – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a day of joy. We think NFF Oslo has shown great flexibility when they now ensure that it will be a football party, says Håvard Lunde in Klemetsrud IL. On Sunday afternoon, there was supposed to be a local match in the Oslo football championship at Klemetsrud, south of Oslo. But the football club NFF Oslo moved the match to Strømmen outside the city on the recommendation of the Oslo police. The police believed there was a risk of conflicts and incidents of violence in connection with the match. The decision caused irritation among players. The match at Strømmen came to nothing. Klemetsrud was unable to field a team. Don’t want to decide matches on the desk Now NFF Oslo has turned around. The quarter-finals of the Oslo Championship will still be played at Mortensrud. – It is about an overall assessment of which the police are naturally an important part, says general manager Tore Jarl Bråteng of NFF Oslo. The decision has also been taken in consultation with the two clubs. – In this case, as in any other case, we want matches to be decided by actually being played within the framework that football has and not to be decided on the desk here in the circuit office. The time for the match has not been finalized. NFF Oslo must find a date when the clubs have the opportunity to participate and contribute to security efforts and staffing. – We want to make arrangements for the match to be played safely, says Bråteng. The match will probably be played in Mortensrud sports park on Saturday 30 September or Sunday 1 October. Police support Mortensrud match Last week, the Oslo police said they thought it was a shame to make a recommendation to move the match. Today, the Oslo police’s recommendation is different. – Following our submitted recommendation about changing the fighting arena, the Oslo police district has had a good and constructive dialogue with the NFF, says manager John Roger Lund at Unit East in the Oslo police district. – We support the work that is now being done to carry out the match at Mortensrud. He refers to the plans for carrying out the match which are now being made by the NFF, Klemetsrud IL and Holmlia SK in collaboration with the police. John Roger Lund is head of Unit East in the Oslo police. Photo: news – They will provide completely different frameworks and conditions for the implementation of this football match without unwanted incidents than was the case for the original match, says Lund. The Oslo police will not answer how many resources they will have on site in connection with the fight. – The police hope to be as small a part of this event as possible, as the main focus here should be football, volunteering and local positive involvement, says Lund. – A proper football party Klemetsrud IL is happy that the local community is now being heard. This is Klemetsrud’s A-team in football. Photo: Usman Sharif, Klemetsrud IL This is Klemetsrud’s A-team in football. Photo: Usman Sharif, Klemetsrud IL Assistant sporting manager at the club, Håvard Lunde, praises the player groups in the two clubs. – They have contributed greatly to bring out the importance of the match being played at Mortensrud. The players on his own A team feel that their message has been understood and taken seriously, says Lunde. – It was almost euphoric at Mortensrud yesterday when we discussed this. Klemetsrud IL is hosting the match. Lunde says everyone in the club is very motivated for this to be a football party. – There will be lots of people, lots of activities and catering. There will be smoke grenades, which we have had at every home game. A real football party. He wants the police to be involved in the process now and contribute in their own way to making this a safe event. – Good news The news about the cup match at Mortensrud is also very well received in Holmlia Sports Club. Aram Meradi is administrative manager at Holmlia sports club. Photo: Privat – This is primarily good news, says administrative manager, Aram Meradi, at Holmlia Sports Club. He believes it is good that they have been heard and that it has been taken into account that the clubs actually wanted this match. – It means a lot for both clubs to be able to prove that we can start a party without the troublemakers having the opportunity to destroy the district, says Meradi. This is Holmlia Sportsklubb’s A-team in football. Photo: / PrivatThis is Holmlia Sportsklubb’s A-team in football. Photo: / Private
