news expert moved by Aleksander’s performance – ready to cycle 2,000 km (!) before the European Sewing Championships – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

For the second year in a row, the versatile 31-year-old is cycling to a championship in swimming with dad Lasse Haaberg (58). But why in the world do you charge up for the sewing EC on the bicycle seat? – Cycling makes you strong, especially in your legs, Aleksander told news. – I don’t think I would have agreed that cycling is a very good preparation for an EC in swimming. If I had spoken to the Norwegian Swimming Association, it would probably have been downvoted, dad Lasse chimed in. FATHER AND SON: On a trip together through Spain, France and Italy. – I am happy inside and talk to people a lot. Last year, father and son cycled 1,250 kilometers to the World Sewing Championships. This year they will travel 2,000 kilometers from Alicante in Spain to Venice in Italy, where the rest of the family and the European Swimming Championships await at the end of August. When news talks to Aleksander and Lasse, day turns to night in the French countryside north of Marseille, where they will sleep after completing a stage of 133 kilometres. They have finished stage nine and are halfway through what will be a total of 16 stages. The motivation is almost always at its peak, and Aleksander always has an extra gear in stock. – I am happy inside and talk to people a lot, says Aleksander. – It is quite incredible. It is a fantastic effort by Aleksander. He never gives up. We had one day where we cycled 150 kilometres, then he brought out his favorite music and revved up, says Lasse, who says that Aleksander has an absolutely huge engine. LONG DAYS: When Aleksander needs extra energy, he turns on his favorite music. The beautiful surroundings also help. Photo: Privat – Then there’s interval music with Hellbillies, DDE, Sie Gubba and 2fargone, says Aleksander. The 31-year-old is a multi-talent who, in addition to cycling and sewing, kicks football, goes skiing and plays several instruments alongside his job at Kiwi – where he is responsible for the dry goods. – I play forward and am top scorer, just like Braut Haaland!, smiles Aleksander, who plays for Stjørdal Paraidrettslag. – But I like swimming best, he adds. Nevertheless, there has been little sewing training along the way. But one bath in the sea has been enough. – We use a program to lay out the route, then we ended up at the railway and there was a drop straight down to the beach. That day we took a towel and swimming trunks with us, and jumped into the sea. It was also 37 degrees, so it was okay to take a bath, says Lasse. Because it’s not just cycling through southern Europe in the summer. – Cycling in 36 degrees means you have to drink and drink and drink, says Aleksander. REFILL: Without food and drink, the hero is not enough. – Challenges normal thinking On the Facebook and Instagram page “Aleks on the road”, updates from the trip are shared. It has generated a lot of attention and many inquiries. – Yes, there are many. We have posted it on Instagram, Aleksander’s sister takes care of it, and post every day. It’s a bit to promote the International Sports Union for those with Down syndrome. To show that there are possibilities and no limitations, says Lasse. One of those who was excited by the trip to father and son is news’s ​​sports commentator Ole Kristian Stoltenberg. – I am so moved and happy. This hits something inside me. One becomes unusually happy and motivated by these raw performances, says Stoltenberg. MOTIVATED: Ole Kristian Stoltenberg is motivated by the project of Aleksander and Lasse. He is a well-known radio voice for many who have followed the Tour de France. Stoltenberg believes that Aleksander and his father are doing something “insanely inspiring” by creating their own training standards. – This gives me Blummenfelt associations. You are crazy in a good way, where you challenge normal thinking and see no boundaries, but rather take one hill or stage at a time. I am fascinated by people who do the impossible. There is something about people who don’t listen to the limits others have set for themselves, says the commentator, who was inspired to train himself: – Love for what you do is a good starting point to get far. Aleksander is an inspiring tough guy. This saved my day. Now I was motivated to take a bike ride. LOVES CYCLING: Aleksander is always active. Whether it’s swimming, cycling, football or skiing. Photo: Privat Happy with speed and fun, Aleksander thrives on the road and has had sponsored jerseys from the organizers around Spain. Aleksander is wearing the climbing jersey and Lasse is wearing the sprint jersey. But the son thinks he is faster than his father. – I am the best and strongest, says Aleksander, who likes speed and fun. When they reach Italy, two wheels must be exchanged for four for one day. And it’s not just any car that Aleksander will “carry” around in. He will get to test the luxurious Lamborghini sports car. – We are going to the Ferrari track and I have seen the burning film and will do as they do. I have previously driven a Porsche, says Aleksander with stars in his eyes. – But nothing is as good as cycling, says dad and Aleksander nods along. GOOD TEAM: Aleksander calls his father a hard worker, while Lasse says that Aleksander always gives him the energy to push on. After 16 stages, they will finally enjoy a few quieter days in Venice with the rest of the family before the sewing EC starts. – Then I’ll jump into the water right away, says Aleksander. As a 17-year-old, he set three world records in swimming, and at the WC last year he set a new personal record. He has his goals ready before this year’s European Championships, where he will swim all the disciplines: – Pers and medal! – And what is your favorite distance? – There are three: Crawl, chest and back, Aleksander smiles.
