news expert chastises the biathlon management: – They make a bad assessment

– Karoline (Knotten) should not have gone today. It’s important to listen to your body from time to time, and put one foot on the ground and stand up, says news expert Synnøve Solemdal. Knotten’s season run-up has been demanding after the horror accident she experienced in May. Then she crashed head first on a bike ride, and suffered a concussion and a solid blow to her face. In November, she told news that she has struggled a lot with head pain after the hard encounter with the asphalt. BLOODY: This is what Knotten looked like after the bicycle overturn in May. Photo: PRIVAT The World Cup weekend in Hochfilzen has cost the 27-year-old a lot, and after the relay on Sunday she struggled to answer when news asked if she wanted to do the biathlon relay at all. – I was … if we had a lot to take off …, was the response on the live broadcast. – Forma or the body was driven yesterday. It’s terribly heavy. There is something about the body that is not quite where I want it to be, Knotten maintained. – They make a bad assessment. She went straight and went to bed straight after the stage, and explained that she was completely empty. – What does the physical apparatus around you say about your body? – No, we haven’t discussed it, actually. It was only yesterday that it hit a little bit, she explains. news’s ​​expert Synnøve Solemdal is clear that the support apparatus should have stopped Knotten’s relay participation. – I think they make a bad assessment there, says Solemdal. Norway has heavy absences in Tiril Eckhoff and Marte Olsbu Røiseland, and Ida Lien could not participate on Sunday either, although she had a wish to. After a back problem, doctors and trainers clearly said no. Solemdal thinks they should do the same with Knotten. – They have Ragnhild Femsteinevik, who did a great stage last weekend in Finland. When the body doesn’t work, just throw in the towel and let the body rest. – She was very, very tired. Knotten has toiled hard on the course throughout the weekend. At the start of the hunt on Saturday she shot 20 hits, but was still unable to follow up the 8th place from the sprint. – It’s not good, then, when I shoot 20 hits and go from 8th place to 11th, she said then. National team coach Sverre Huber Kaas answers flatly no to questions about whether Knotten should have stayed over. – When it’s a relay, it’s rather the opposite, that we have to force them to stand over. Ida Lien wanted to go, but we had to put our feet down. We have to take those things, because they are so excited to go to competitions. It’s a bit up to us, Kaas replies. – Should they have stopped Knotten too? NATIONAL TEAM COACH: Sverre Huber Kaas. Photo: Roy Kenneth Sydnes Jacobsen / news – She got through well today, but if it goes beyond next week, it’s easy to be in hindsight, says the trainer, who acknowledges that they considered whether it was right to let her go. – We considered it a bit, because we saw yesterday that she was very, very tired. But at least she felt ready for the relay last night, and there were so few of us with Ida out that we wanted to have her on the first leg, he explains. With Knotten’s two misses in ten attempts and an exchange 37.4 seconds behind leading Sweden, it was difficult for the Norwegian team to claim the relay in Austria.
