news expert breathes a sigh of relief – believes injured Klæbo is on track for the winter – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– If he has no symptoms from the injury, we can breathe easy. Because then he is on track for winter, says news expert Torgeir Bjørn. He commented on Johannes Høsflot Klæbo’s two starts in Toppidrettsveka: 54 kilometer classic at Hitra and 15 kilometer freestyle in Granåsen. He believes that the ski star may have received an answer to the most important thing before he has to get in shape for the winter, namely that he can stress his body as normal. news EXPERT: Torgeir Bjørn. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – He was in the lead for a long time without taking the chance to kick off on the opposite slopes in the long run. He got an even better answer on the 15-kilometer course in the WC facility in Granåsen. He finished quickly and went almost ten seconds faster than Didrik Tønseth in the last kilometre, and he looked normal when walking, says Bjørn. Tønseth was the fastest in the 15 kilometer freestyle in Granåsen. Klæbo was in sixth place, 55 seconds behind his national team colleague. – Now it is possible to breathe out easily. We see that he can strain the body. Straight to the USA Already on Monday, Klæbo went to the USA with his manager father Haakon to run his own training program before the start of the season at Beitostølen on 18 November. He is hoping for short-term gain already in the WC this winter in Planica, but is doing it mostly with a view to long-term gain in the WC on home ground in 2025. The roller skiing race on Sunday took place at the WC stadium in Granåsen. – It is a long-term plan with a view to what will happen here in 2025. These trails are heavy, so then you need the capacity you can get, Klæbo tells news. GOOD DRIVE: news expert Torgeir Bjørn thought Klæbo looked better and better throughout the race. Photo: Claes-Tommy Herland / Norwegian Ski Association / NTB He is still struggling with problems on the back of his thigh and still cannot run or hold the “Klæbo-klyvet” in the way he would like. Although he is not completely healthy, he set the course for the height in the USA. – This has been a plan since I was younger. I chose not to go to the height when I was 18, because I felt that I had to train 1000 hours a year first. Now you tolerate it and then the next step is height. It has been part of a larger plan. – The high altitude is part of a long-term plan that will hopefully yield results immediately, says Klæbo, who is betting on approaching 60 days in thinner air before the world championships in Slovenia in February. The coach: – I’m not the one who decided Sprint coach Arild Monsen explains that it is primarily a wish from Klæbo himself to go to the height to prepare himself. – He wants to try a plan that culminates here in 2025, where he has many high altitude days ahead. He has decided that. It is not me who has decided it, but it is quite alright that he does what he believes in, says Monsen. KLÆBO COACH: Arild Monsen is responsible for Norway’s sprint men. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB – He wants to drive it and has been allowed to, instead of following the national team. That’s perfectly fine. He leaves tomorrow and will have another stay in October and into November, before he joins the rest of the gang. Monsen and grandfather Kåre Høsflot follow up the training from Europe. The dialogue will mainly take place via telephone, but the coach believes that the distance is unlikely to present any major challenges: – He is a bit injured, so it is not that difficult to suspend training. He can’t run. All of the red sessions are a bit of roller skiing, says Monsen. Red sessions characterize those that are carried out with high intensity, i.e. the training sessions that strain the body the hardest. – There will be a quiet period at the start, then it will be throwing in a couple of “breathing sessions” a week and it will be on roller skis. news expert: – Safe model Torgeir Bjørn believes a characteristic of the best athletes is that they are “impatient in the short term and patient in the long term”. He praises the common thread in Klæbo’s training program and the support apparatus. – It is quite clear that Klæbo together with the grandfather and perhaps Monsen have a clear plan on how they will develop step by step. First get large enough training doses in place. When that’s done, i.e. 1,000 hours, then add systematic altitude training, says Bjørn – and adds: – It shows that he is dedicated. He is doing what he thinks is best, even if it means lying in the US for a month now. WINTER MOST IMPORTANT: Grandfather Kåre Høsflot and Johannes Høsflot Klæbo during training in winter 2021. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB Bjørn draws parallels to how Jakob Ingebrigtsen sets up his training and his sessions: Lots of time at altitude, then competing and doing some hard sessions in the lowlands. – It is a safe model, in my opinion. In order to be in the best position possible for the start of the season at Beitostølen and, even more importantly, the World Cup in Planica, he believes that two things apply: – The most important thing is that he does not stay at home due to the injury, and that he gets enough hard work during the autumn and winter sessions – both muscular and endurance – in the lowlands.
