news depublishes “Team Ingebrigtsen” – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– This happens as a result of direct contact with participating family members, who express that the availability of the series is a big burden for them, a burden that comes on top of other pressure that family members are now experiencing, says broadcasting manager Vibeke Fürst Haugen. news made five seasons of “Team Ingebrigtsen” with a total of 25 episodes. The first episodes were shown in 2016 and the last in 2021. The series ended with Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s Olympic gold in the 1,500 meters in Tokyo in 2021. The series has been nominated for several awards and won in 2020 Gullruten won the class best reality show. New assessment Based on this contact, the broadcasting manager says that news has made a new assessment of the publication. – The fact that some of the actors were minors when the series was produced and first broadcast weighed heavily in our assessment, says the broadcasting manager. Head of Broadcasting at news, Vibeke Furst Haugen. Photo: Lars Os She continues: – When we are invited into private lives, we must be particularly attentive to how private individuals experience the exposure. This is particularly important when children and young people are involved, as in this case. Although news has made ongoing assessments of the exposure of the minors in the series during the entire production period, she says this is the first time news has received direct information about how they experience this exposure now. Jakob and Henrik Ingebrigtsen. Photo: ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP – Charge as long as the series is available news has also had contact with lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen. – We have been particularly concerned that our publication choices should not affect the legal conflict, and that the presumption of innocence remains firm: Everyone has the right to be treated and referred to as innocent until they are finally convicted in a criminal case. Mette Yvonne Larsen is legal aid for five of the Ingebrigtsen children. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news She says it is their assessment that the burden on the actors will be there as long as the series is available, regardless of the outcome of the trial against Gjert Ingebrigtsen. At the same time, news would like to clarify that the series was produced and published in advance of reviews against Gjert Ingebrigtsen, and that the production company, Zacapa, and news have not witnessed any actions that have given us reason to stop production or publication along the way. Espen Skoland, who is the press officer for the running brothers, says they do not want to comment on the matter beyond what they have said so far. – A great tragedy Commentator Emil Andre Erstad has previously been critical of the fact that news has chosen not to depublish the series (external link). – It is difficult to watch the series without feeling uncomfortable when you know about these accusations. Commentator in Vårt Land, Emil Andre Erstad. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news He believes it is very problematic in terms of press ethics that news has chosen to keep the series up. – For anyone who sees the case from the outside and knows the people involved, it is a great tragedy. It is very powerful to read the stories that come out. Many have not understood the scope, perhaps, and downplayed it, says Erstad. Has denied Gjert Ingebrigtsen was prosecuted in April this year for mistreatment of one of his children. Gjert Ingebrigtsen himself has always denied that he has done anything punishable. – He denies any criminal behavior towards his children and expects a fair treatment when the case comes before a court, his defenders wrote to Aftenposten. Gjert Ingebrigtsen is charged with mistreatment of one of his children. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB Interview with Aftenposten In a longer interview with Aftenposten on Tuesday, the eldest of Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s sons – Kristoffer – made strong accusations against his father. After the interview was published, Aftenposten commentator Andreas Slettholm on Wednesday called for an answer from news about assessments of the series. – Now that Kristoffer Ingebrigtsen is opening up, the production company and news have to explain themselves in more detail about what they have understood and not understood”, wrote Slettholm. – After the accusations from many of the children, the indictment and the interview with Kristoffer Ingebrigtsen, many of the events in the series must be interpreted differently. Rather than an extraordinary, well-functioning family, it appears more like a rather ordinary, unsafe home. Although there is also a good atmosphere, he continues to write. “Bamsegutt” In November last year, news depublished the series “Bamsegutt”, a few days after it had been shown on TV. In its evaluation, news wrote, among other things, that in the work on the series the editor’s line was not sufficiently used. The in-depth assessments stopped at too low a level. Published 06.09.2024, at 11.48 Updated 06.09.2024, at 12.10
