New York Times asks Biden to resign – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Biden is not the man he was four years ago, writes the newspaper. The call to resign comes after the televised debate against Donald Trump on Friday night. The newspaper writes that Biden appeared as a shadow of the great statesman he has been. As the situation is now, the president is taking an unjustifiably big chance by holding back on the candidacy, it says. Joe Biden ran election camo on Friday. Photo: AP Having a bad time According to several US experts, there are now tendencies towards panic among the Democrats. The party will hold an election meeting in Chicago on August 19-22, where the party’s candidate will be formally appointed. If the party wants to replace Biden with another candidate, it must happen at the meeting in Chicago.. Run an election campaign When Biden spoke at an election campaign event the day after the debate, he denied that he wants to resign. – I would not stand for election again if I did not believe with all my heart and soul that I could do the job. There is too much at stake, Biden said. In familiar style Trump also spoke at an election campaign event on Friday. Here he continued in his usual style of harassing Biden, but said that he does not think Biden will resign. – Many people say after last night’s performance that Joe Biden is going to retire. But the fact is, I don’t think so because he’s doing better in the polls than some of the other Democrats they’re talking about,” Trump said. Published 29.06.2024, at 06.44 Updated 29.06.2024, at 06.54
