New volcano discovered on the seabed in the Barents Sea – news Troms and Finnmark

The UiT researchers, together with researchers from REV Ocean, have discovered a new mud volcano in the southwestern Barents Sea, approximately 80 nautical miles south of Bjørnøya. The discovery was made on 7 May this year. The volcano, located at a depth of 400 metres, has been named Borealis Mud Volcano and is the second active volcano ever found in Norwegian waters. The volcanic area is approximately 300 meters wide and 25 meters deep, and releases mud, liquids and gas from the Earth’s interior. This will provide new insights into the science of the earth, say the researchers. The volcano itself is seven meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high, and continuously emits methane-rich liquids. – Could see that our earth “breathed” The volcano was discovered using seismic data and the video was made with a remote-controlled underwater robot (ROV). The discovery will help scientists understand the effect of localized but persistent phenomena on the global methane budget and its impact on ecosystems. That’s according to professor at UiT, Giuliana Panieri, who is expedition leader and principal investigator for the AKMA project. – We showed that there was a formation in this area, because we could see the crater. But we didn’t think we would find a volcano. It was very unexpected. No one has been there before either, so it is the first time anyone has seen this volcano. I felt it was a surreal experience and we could see that our earth was “breathing” through this volcano. It was very surreal and very great for our team. We are all super-enthusiastic about the discovery, says the professor to news. The volcano is located south of Bjørnøya in the Barents Sea. Graphics: UIT She ​​does not rule out that they will discover more mud volcanoes in the Barents Sea. – It is only thanks to good cooperation and advanced technology that we can make such discoveries. Seeing an underwater mud eruption in real time reminds me how ‘alive’ our planet is, says Panieri. According to the research team, these peculiar volcanoes provide a clue to past environments that have existed on Earth. – Understanding the evolution and composition of the fluids helps us understand their potential impact on the global methane budget and can inform what is happening on other planets. The crater in the newly discovered volcano hosts a rich seabed life, which thrives on the steep flanks of the carbonate crusts that were formed several thousand years ago, says Professor Stefan Buenz of the research team in a press release.
