New Ukrainian drones attack with burning metal – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Recently, there have been several videos on social media showing off the new drones. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has also posted images on the messaging service Telegram. – The attack drones are our avenging wings, they bring fires directly from the sky, says a statement from Ukraine’s 60th mechanized brigade according to CNN. It is also said that these drones are a real threat to the enemy and that their positions are fired with an accuracy that no other weapon has. Fire-breathing dragon The drones used are not particularly large. But they can carry with them part of a substance called thermite, which consists of aluminum powder and iron oxide. It is an old invention that has been used in the two previous world wars, but now it is being used in a new way. Thermite burns with a white flame at a whopping 2200 degrees, and is very difficult to extinguish. It can make holes in metal, thus destroying both vehicles and weapons. The new weapon has been nicknamed “dragon drone” because the molten metal that is dropped from the drone can be reminiscent of the flames coming from the mythological dragon. The substance can also quickly lead to fires in forest areas where the Russian attack forces have their positions. A new video shows how much destruction there has been after such an attack. It has been shared on social media. news has not succeeded in geolocating it, but the damage to vehicles and vegetation matches other videos from similar attacks. – Can compensate for lack of ammunition Most drones can carry a payload of between 5 and 50 kilos. It is not known how large the Ukrainian firefighting drones are. NEED MORE: Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine lack ammunition. The new drones can probably compensate for that. Photo: Reuters Professor Tormod Heier at the Norwegian Defense Academy tells news that the new drones could possibly be effective in destroying Russian combat vehicles. – It is also possible that the drones can compensate for the Ukrainians’ lack of ammunition, emphasizes the Norwegian expert. NEW WEAPON: Professor Tormod Heier at the University of Defense says that the psychological effect is most important with the new Ukrainian fire-fighting drones. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news But he points out that the areas along the front in Eastern Ukraine are largely open and not very much covered by forest. Therefore, it is not certain that the military significance of the new type of weapon is particularly great. – First of all, I would like to believe that the psychological effect of the fire drones is greatest on the Russian soldiers, says Heier. He also points out that it would be against the international law of war to use this burning metal against people. If humans get it on, it will cause terrible burns and horrible suffering. Published 13.09.2024, at 17.45
