New technology helps nurses save time – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary: – The healthcare workers at Fjotlandsheimen in Kvinesdal municipality are now using new technology to become more efficient.- On a large screen, employees can see where all their colleagues are at all times, which reduces time spent looking for each other or equipment.- The system can also be used as an emergency alarm, which increases security for the carers. – Kvinesdal is among the first in the country to adopt this health technology. – The system shows that the carers can save 45 minutes a day by moving a resident closer. – The technology is designed so that it cannot show how the employees have worked, only what they are doing at the moment. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – Now we can spend more time on professional tasks and residents, instead of spending so much time looking for employees, says nurse Marita Gyland. She and others who work at Fjotlandsheimen care center in Kvinesdal have many miles in their legs. They have spent an unnecessary amount of time looking for each other and equipment in a large building. Now they get the help of new technology to become more efficient without having to run to their deaths. The employees have tracking tags, which can be placed on the back of the work phone or objects they often have to look for. The tracking tags send signals to receivers that are installed in all rooms. The receivers transmit the signals to a large screen in the guard room. In this way, the employees can see where all colleagues and important objects are at all times. Then they don’t have to search. The system also provides other useful information. It has shown that carers can save 45 minutes a day by moving a resident closer to the guard room, because the walking distance is shorter. Fewer hands It’s about finding the time thieves in everyday life, says unit leader in Kvinesdal municipality Torhild Kvinlaug. – We know that there will be fewer hands in health and care in the coming years. We have to work smarter and not just run faster, says unit leader in Kvinesdal municipality Torhild Kvinlaug. – Will this give the employees more to do? – This should mean that they will have less to do, says Kvinlaug. On a large screen in the guard room, employees can see where all their colleagues are at all times. Photo: Lars Eie / news Does not feel monitored Kvinesdal is among the first municipalities in the country to adopt this health technology. The system is designed so that it only shows what employees are doing at the moment, not how they have worked. – I don’t feel monitored, says nurse Marita Gyland. She adds that she can choose to put the phone down. – We also have a color code so nothing goes by name. Nurse Marita Gyland thinks the working day is better with the new technology. Photo: Lars Eie / news Can be used as an emergency alarm Unit leader Kvinlaug points out that the system can also be used as an emergency alarm. – It gives the carers increased security if something urgent should happen when they are with the patients, she says. In the event of an emergency alarm, both a voice message and a text message are sent to the phones of all employees, and it should be easy to see which room needs help.
