“New Team Ingebrigtsen” – Henrik with a clear message to the newcomers – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

The three runner brothers Ingebrigtsen have always trained together. Led by Henrik, “Team Ingebrigtsen” has almost always followed the same recipe, and with enormous success. Recently, several new faces have occasionally been allowed into the brothers’ exclusive training group. Both at training camps in Spain and here at home in Norway, runners such as Magnus Tuv Myhre, Ferdinand Kvan Edman, Jacob Boutera, Simen Halle and Moa Abounnachat Bollerød have appeared in full four jumps with the medal wholesalers from Sandnes. RUNNING BROTHERS: Jakob, Filip and Henrik Ingebrigtsen. Photo: NTB For Henrik Ingebrigtsen, it is important to find types that fit well into the already established dynamics in the group. – We are relatively selective, so we cannot say yes to everyone. Then we make very high demands that we be compatible outside of training as well, he explains. – It’s clear, those boys have a lot of experience. They share a lot and we get a very good plan together, says Kvan Edman about the collaboration. Clear message from Henrik Among the others who have been admitted is Tuv Myhre (23). A talent elder brother Ingebrigtsen tries to hire in the right way. – He is a young and promising runner who needs a little kick in the ass to get up to the level he wants and has the ambition to be at. Then we see something in him that could potentially be quite good, says Henrik. RECORD: Jakob Ingebrigtsen is the best runner in the group. Photo: NTB The 32-year-old is not afraid to tell the newcomers if something is not being done correctly. He wants to build a winning and performance culture where you should not be satisfied until you have done everything you can. – If you engage in self-deception and act like you are satisfied with a result, even if you have actually underperformed, then we put our finger on it. – Then it is sharpening? – Then it’s time to tighten up. I have told many people, with slightly varying feedback, that I think you are underperforming. Some people don’t like it, while others like it and think “OK, here’s something to get”. While others take it as an insult and go a bit in defense mode, says the eldest brother. – Henrik shut up Tuv Myhre is among those who have received clear feedback from Henrik Ingebrigtsen, without him taking any notice of it. TALENTED: Magnus Tuv Myhre. Photo: NTB – I have no problem with receiving harsh messages, and have to report back a little now and then. It’s not like you lie down with your tail between your legs just because they say you have to do something differently, says the 23-year-old who ran 13.09 in the 5000 meters at Bislett – two seconds behind the WC requirement. Although he and the others with entry passes to the team try to soak up all the experience they can get from the brothers, the exchange of knowledge goes both ways. – Henrik got a little scolded by Jakob once because he felt he was too eager. Everyone gets to hear it if you do something wrong, it’s like that both ways, explains Tuv Myhre. Henrik agrees. Even he, filled to the brim with experience and experiences, can learn something from the youngsters. WITH: Ferdinand Kvan Edman often trains with Filip Ingebrigtsen in Oslo. Photo: NTB – They are very disciplined and sometimes quite a bit more sensible than I am. I have always been someone who likes to push the boundaries and stretch the elastic. Sometimes I see that they exercise discipline and self-control in training a little better than I do, he says. – It is hugely positive for everyone that we get to share that knowledge. In the past, it has been a little more closed. They are happy to be together, but it is nice to have some others there. I think everyone benefits from that, says Kvan Edman.
