New teaching package for artificial intelligence – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– I have used ChatGPT for school assignments. I often get specific answers and more information there, says Ida Wangari Nordgår. She is a student at Kuben secondary school. Her class is the very first to test a new teaching scheme on artificial intelligence (AI) and source criticism. Several of the students in the classroom say they are familiar with KI, and that they use it for school work and searching for information. Someone also asks it to come up with dinner tips. Ida Wangari Nordgår has used several AI services. Among other things, Chat GPT and My AI. Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news Great need The aim of the new teaching program is for the pupils to reflect on their own use of AI. In a new report, the World Economic Forum warns that misuse of AI to spread false information is one of the biggest threats to global society in 2024. – With artificial intelligence, and the fast feed young people are exposed to today, a whole new level of source criticism is required , says Sølve Kuraas Karlsen in Tenk. It is those who are behind the teaching package that will now be rolled out. Sølve Kuraas Karlsen in Think is the one who tests the scheme on the pupils. The teaching package has been created in collaboration with, which is Denmark’s answer to Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news Karlsen says that while it used to be thought that today’s young people were born digitally, one now sees that they do not automatically master the challenges that modern technology throws at them. The teacher of the pupils at Kuben also sees the need for source-critical training after the introduction of KI. At the start, the students swallowed the information from Ki-tenester raw. – With the algorithms, the students only get the truth they want. So it is important that they learn about cellars, says Maiken Rachelsdatter Hoholm. Hoholm is happy that he can now use the new teaching package in the classroom. For teacher Maiken Rachelsdatter Hoholm, it was chaos when AI made inroads into the school in 2022. Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news An eye-opener The students are challenged on several issues in teaching about AI. Through interactive articles and videos, they have to navigate the issues. Do the young people know, for example, that AI can be used to generate votes? This means that criminals can generate the voice of someone they know, then call them and fish for important information. It made an impression on the students. – This was an eye-opener. Now I know that I should be a little more careful, says Aran Azhar Ibrahim. Aran Azhar Ibrahim tests the interactive article in the school curriculum. Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news One of the most important things the students learned was that AI is just a computer. – That is why we have to be more critical of sources. I knew that source criticism was important, but not that it was so important, says Nordgår. Important with AI in the classroom One of Norway’s foremost experts on artificial intelligence Inga Strümke is happy that the pupils are being challenged to think about the use of AI. She herself participated in the development of the teaching package. Strümke believes that this is a big step in the right direction, but that more must also happen in the school. She wants to include AI in the curricula to a greater extent. – We must agree on how much responsibility the school has. I think a big responsibility must lie there. Because we can’t wait for all parents to understand this, says Strümke. She is also calling for more support for the teachers who will ensure that the pupils in Norwegian schools are prepared for what awaits them. Inga Strümke is associate professor at the Department of Computer Technology and Informatics at NTNU. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB State Secretary in the Ministry of Education Sindre Lysø was present during the launch of the teaching package today. He believes that Norwegian schools are motivated and ready to cope with the development. Lysø points out that the school works best with AI. – ChatGPT took Norway and the world by storm. This is a field that is developing quickly and the government is therefore concerned that the Directorate of Education must deliver good schemes to the schools, says Lysø. State Secretary in the Ministry of Education Sindre Lysø believes that Norwegian schools are well on their way to teaching young people about AI. Photo: Jens Driveklepp False images are also a major problem with AI. Here are some tips the students get in the pack for revealing fake pictures and videos.
