New strong protests in Paris after police killings – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Hundreds of young people have protested against the police after a 17-year-old was shot and killed by the police when he failed to stop a traffic control. There have also been clashes between demonstrators and the police in the industrial city of Lille in the north and in Toulouse in the south-west. Unrest has also been reported in Amiens, Dijon and Essone south of Paris. Heavily armed police are seen on the streets of the Paris suburb. Photo: Christophe Ena / AP The Minister of the Interior has ordered 2,000 extra police officers to work in the Paris region. Investigates police officer for murder The public prosecutor has started an investigation into the police’s conduct in the case. A police officer is being investigated for premeditated murder. Yesterday, the people elected in the National Assembly observed a minute’s silence for the murdered teenager. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne has condemned the behavior of the police. President Emmanuel Macron has also condemned the shooting as unforgivable. Video shows the Scot A video that has been shared on social media, and which has been verified by the Reuters news agency, shows two police officers standing next to a car. One of the policemen shoots at the driver at close range as the car drives away. According to the head of the investigation, the 17-year-old, who worked as a storekeeper, died shortly afterwards of the gunshot wounds. – The video seems very clear. A police officer killed a young man aged 17. You can see that the shooting is not in line with the rules, says Yassine Bouzrou to Reuters. He is the lawyer for Nahel’s family. The family has filed a formal complaint against the police officers who were present. The police are charged with murder, complicity in murder and false testimony. Several cars have been turned upside down and set on fire in the main street Avenue Pablo Picasso in Nanterre. Photo: Christophe Ena / AP New charges of racism in the police The murdered 17-year-old had an ethnic background from North Africa. It has contributed to new accusations of racism in the police in many French cities with multi-ethnic populations. Anti-racism groups have long blamed the police and courts in France for systematic racism, something that President Macron has previously denied is happening.
