New research suggests that we like men’s football better – but only when we know it’s men – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– It is incredibly delicious. That’s what Karina Fløysvik Hæåk says. She plays in the 2nd division for Bryne Football Club. – I hope this can contribute to a change in attitudes towards us, says teammate Iselin Evje Rusdal. A new survey now suggests that both they, and other female footballers, are being underestimated. Iselin Evje Rusdal and Karina Fløysvik Hæåk are satisfied with the results of the new study. Photo: Runar Lindseth / news P3 Prefer to see men play – until gender becomes invisible There is research from the University of Stavanger (UiS), the University of Zurich and the University of Utah that shows that viewers rate men’s performances as better … … but only when they know they are watching men. 600 people were involved in the research project. They were divided into two groups who got to see ten selected clips from both men’s and women’s football at elite level. They rated the quality of soccer skills on a scale of one to five. Half of the subjects saw the clips uncharged, and rated the men’s performance better. But for the other half, who saw the cliffs slide, it was different. – Then we found out that they no longer preferred men’s football. It was exactly the same. That’s what Associate Professor at UiS, Cornel Nesseler, says. Over 600 people from all over the world responded to the survey by Cornel Nesseler and his colleagues. Photo: Elise Pedersen / news He has a theory as to why the results were like this. – We are socialized to watch football and sports from men all the time, both on TV and in editorial media. We may think that we only see it because it is of higher quality. Therefore, we may prefer men’s football, and think that women’s football is not of the same high quality. He himself admits that he was not convinced before the research. – But now I am completely convinced. If you don’t see who is playing, there is no difference in quality. I hope that this can help future discussions about gender equality in sport. Markets the championship by “fooling” the viewers Ahead of the women’s World Cup, France has also made a point that the women’s skills on the pitch. In a promotional video for the championship, they “trick” the viewers, who are presented with feints, great scores and smart game situations made by high-profile male national team players. It eventually turns out that all that has been shown are actions taken by the women’s national team. The agency Marcel has created a video for the French telecommunications company Orange and the French Football Federation. Here, photos of Sakina Karchaoui have been manipulated to look like she is Antoine Griezmann. Photo: Screenshot / Marcel, France FFF, Orange – I’m a big fan of that ad and see it’s gone viral on TikTok. But there are still many people who write that it is nicer to watch paint drying than to watch women’s football, says Karina Fløysvik Hæåk. Watch the full video here: Hoping for a positive effect Fløysvik Hæåk has read the report and is satisfied with the results. In April, she wrote a statement in news in which she takes issue with the prejudices against women’s football. – It is very nice to have research to beat the table with, and it confirms what we feel ourselves. Karina Fløysvik Hæåk has heard that she plays “First Price football”. Photo: Runar Lindseth / news Now both she, teammate Evje Rusdal and Nesseler hope that more people will open their eyes to women’s football. – I hope that I can inform most people that we may be socialized to think that men are better. I hope it helps to convince most people that we need to think again in this area, says Nesseler at UiS. – Do you think it will happen right away? – I am a bit pessimistic. We’ve never had such a high level of women’s football as we have now, but it hasn’t happened that much in most countries. Both in terms of attention to the players, and the salary differences. Fløysvik Hæåk appreciates that research is being carried out in the area. – I absolutely believe that the research can help to combat the prejudices some have against women’s football. It is important that it proves that the top quality is just as high. Still, she doesn’t think the research will convince everyone. – There will probably still be some who have tunnel vision, and who have decided to hold on to their attitudes, regardless of what research shows.
