New record seizure of cocaine in banana boxes – Latest news – news

16 April 2023 at 19:30 New record seizure of cocaine in banana crates – Another large cocaine seizure has been made in Oslo today at Bama, similar to the seizure that was made at the end of March. This is what the police in Oslo write in a press release. It was VG who mentioned the case first. No one is suspected or arrested in the case, according to the newspaper. The fitting is estimated to be approx. 800-900 kilos of cocaine, based on preliminary analyses, according to the police. – It may look like it is between 800-900 kilos. Another big seizure, says head of the joint unit for intelligence and investigation in Oslo police district Grete Lien Metlid to news. The police say the investigation is in an initial phase, but that after an overall assessment they have chosen to inform early that this seizure is also now with the Oslo police district, the Oslo police write. Employees at Bama themselves notified the police about the discovery. We are talking about an ordinary and legal banana delivery. – We have made another large cocaine seizure at Bama. Preliminary investigations suggest that there is more than the latest seizure. We are looking at this in connection with the previous case, says .
