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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he cannot continue to wage war against Russia with “one hand tied behind his back”. For months, he has begged the United States and other Western backers to use their missiles to strike targets deeper inside Russia. According to Zelenskyj, it is crucial to be able to use western longer-range missiles against Russian air bases that are used in warfare. This week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyj was visited in Kyiv by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his British colleague David Lammy. The main topic was the use of Western missiles against Russian targets. Photo: AFP Now there seems to be movement in this case. – The diplomatic negotiations are now really in the final phase, says an anonymous British official to Politico. Putin threatens It is hardly a coincidence that the Russian president issued his clearest warning yet against the Western missiles on Thursday evening. He claimed that it will change the entire nature of the conflict if the Ukrainians are allowed to use such missiles against Russia. – It will mean that the NATO countries, the United States and European countries are at war with Russia, Putin claimed in an interview with state-run Russian TV. CONCERNED: Putin together with military leaders. Photo: AP The statement also said that the Western missile systems cannot be operated by the Ukrainian military, only by Westerners. Lieutenant Colonel Palle Ydstebø at the Norwegian Military Academy tells news that this claim is wrong. The Ukrainians have operated these weapons themselves for a long time, emphasizes the Norwegian expert. – Russia can end the war Putin has repeatedly threatened countermeasures against the West. It happened, for example, when Ukraine received Western tanks and fighter jets of the F-16 type. But nothing decisive happened. FEAR OF ESCALATION: Russian soldiers during an exercise with tactical nuclear weapons. Photo: AP This time it may seem that the concern on the Russian side is greater than before, and that the Russian president’s use of words is stronger. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said that the decision to give Ukraine the green light to use Western missiles has already been taken. In the past, Putin himself has accused Western countries of being more or less involved in the war in Ukraine. Now he claims that the use of Western missiles will lead to war between Russia and the NATO countries. Western leaders flatly reject this: – Russia started this conflict. Russia can end it immediately, says British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. The rockets in question Until now, the Ukrainians have been allowed to use American rockets of the ATACMS type against Russian targets in occupied areas in the east of the country, and against targets in the border area on the Russian side. These missiles have a range of 300 kilometers. The same applies to Storm Shadow missiles produced in Great Britain and France. These can reach targets up to 500 kilometers away. Now the Ukrainians want all restrictions on the use of the rockets to be removed. President Zelenskyy says that the hesitation from the Western side has given the Russians time to move their bombers and other weapons further away from the border area. Iranian missiles changed a lot This week, the US Secretary of State confirmed that Iran has sent short-range missiles to Russia. He expects that the Russians will use them in Ukraine within a few weeks. LONG RANGE: Storm Shadow is a British missile with a range of up to 500 kilometers. Photo: AP The statement appears to have gained momentum in talks to give the Ukrainians the permission they have long demanded. On Friday evening, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer will meet President Joe Biden in Washington DC. The main topic there will be the Ukrainians’ use of Western missiles. MEET FRIDAY NIGHT: British Prime Minister Keir Starmer in an earlier meeting with President Joe Biden. Photo: AFP So far, the Americans have mostly held back, while according to unconfirmed reports, the British should be ready to give the Ukrainians the green light. According to some commentators, there is now a discussion going on about which targets the Ukrainians should be allowed to attack inside Russia, and how deep the missiles should be able to go. Much talk about Russian nuclear weapons From the American side, there has been great concern that the war in Ukraine will escalate if the Ukrainians get their way. From the Russian side, ever since the war of aggression was launched, there have been regular threats that smaller nuclear weapons may be used. NEW DOCTRINE: From the Russian side there are many statements that nuclear weapons can be used. Photo: AFP Russian authorities are also in the process of adjusting their nuclear weapons doctrine, i.e. what is needed for such weapons to be used. Putin’s statements about the danger of war between Russia and NATO are not taken very seriously in Poland. Prime Minister Donald Tusk says they show the problems the Russians have at the front. In the past, experts on Russia have emphasized that Putin is threatening nuclear weapons in order to frighten the outside world and show strength at home. Some Western leaders are probably more worried about an escalation of the war. Published 13.09.2024, at 15.47
