New Flekkefjord doctor charged with malpractice – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We have brought charges based on the information in the report. That’s what police attorney Liv Seland says. This is the second doctor who in the past year has been under investigation for malpractice at Sørlandet Hospital. Earlier this year, doctor Jerlan Omarchanov was prosecuted. He worked as a senior doctor in orthopedics in Flekkefjord, without being an orthopedist. Sørlandet Hospital has been sentenced to pay a fine of NOK one million for gross system failure. Now another senior doctor in orthopedics in Flekkefjord has been charged. It is the patient himself who has reported the doctor. – Difficult to understand The foreign man in his 40s was employed in Flekkefjord in 2018. In the same year he received Norwegian authorization as a doctor and orthopedist. He is now charged with breaching the Health Personnel Act. In 2019, news uncovered extensive maladministration over several years in Flekkefjord. The hospital management had to clean up. They also promised to introduce measures to improve patient safety. The orthopedist is charged with malpractice in August 2020. The patient came in with a broken heel, but the orthopedist overlooked it on the X-ray. A radiologist was also not called, and no CT was taken. – It is difficult to understand that it can be overlooked by a specialist in orthopedics, writes Norwegian Patient Compensation (NPE) in its assessment. When the patient returned to the emergency department with severe pain that evening, it was too late to save the foot. “He howled in pain (…) He was unclear, sweating and shaking,” the note from the emergency department says. Police attorney Liv Seland in the Agder police district says that the charge was served on the doctor last week. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news Taken from operations The case for which the orthopedist is now charged is “undoubtedly a clear violation of what is expected/should be required in a Norwegian hospital, regardless of size”, NPE believes. The state administrator in Agder has also assessed the case. They conclude that there is a breach of the law and a system failure at the hospital. They also react to the fact that the orthopedist does not accept responsibility. He writes in his reply that the fact that the fractures in the foot were overlooked had no impact on the treatment. – The attending physician does not seem to have taken sufficient self-criticism, they write. The state administrator has also asked for proof of his competence. They write in their conclusion that the hospital has subsequently “gone too little into the matter or looked too lightly at the actual conditions”. – We consider that the hospital has not followed up the relationship properly, so that future risk is reduced. Clinic director for somatics in Flekkefjord, Øystein Evjen Olsen, says that the doctor is out of surgery for the next three weeks. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news The hospital reported The orthopedist does not want to comment on the case, says Sørlandet hospital. – In dialogue with the doctor, the doctor is not involved in patient treatment for a period of up to three weeks. That’s what clinic director for somatics in Flekkefjord, Øystein Evjen Olsen, says. The hospital has also been notified. The case has been dismissed. The reason is, among other things, that the hospital recently adopted a fine for system failure in connection with incorrect treatments, and the police believe that measures have been taken. The suspension has been appealed by the patient and forwarded to the State Attorney in Agder. Sørlandet Hospital does not want to comment on the charge against the doctor, or the report, according to the clinic director.
