New extradition from Sweden after Moss shooting – Latest news – news

8 January 2024 at 14:25 New extradition from Sweden after Moss shooting A 25-year-old man whom the police linked to the attempted murder in Moss on 28 November, is now to be extradited from Sweden. – He will be extradited to Norway by January 17, says prosecutor Christian Gjølberg Finnanger to news. The man, who is a Syrian citizen, has been imprisoned in Sweden in connection with another criminal case in the Stockholm area. Two Swedish citizens have already been extradited to Norway in connection with the case. They are now in custody for attempted murder or complicity in this. The attempted murder took place on 28 November last year, when a Swedish citizen in his 30s was shot in the open street in Moss. The perpetrators fled to Sweden in a rental car immediately after the incident, and Norwegian police were early on and announced that they linked the shooting to criminal, foreign networks. According to what news is informed, the shooting victim can be linked to the Foxtrot network in Sweden.
