New contraception for men, birth control jelly, is coming soon, says professor – news Trøndelag

You may have heard that research has been done on contraception for men. Some contraceptives have been shelved for various reasons. Others have so far only been done as animal experiments. One project stands out: the P-gel for men. The testing of the men started in 2019. One challenge is that women must also participate – the point is to prevent pregnancy. Around 300 couples from Sweden, the USA, Chile, England, Scotland, Zimbabwe, Italy and Kenya are taking part. And the result? – Every time I have to say it out loud, I am completely put off, says professor and senior physician Kristina Gemzell Danielsson. The end of the birth control gel – became fathers – There is not a single pregnancy. I thought it was impossible! There are no contraceptives that are 100 percent effective, she says. – These are absolutely fantastic results. It’s really good, says Kristina Gemzell Danielsson about the clinical study of birth control gel, a new contraceptive for men. Photo: LINUS HALLGREN / KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET Gemzell Danielsson works at the Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. Together with colleagues from a number of countries, she develops the p-gel. For four years, they have been testing it on humans. 100 of the men have completed the mission. – Several have become fathers now, beams Gemzell Danielsson. But what about side effects while using the birth control gel? Several of the men in the study wanted to continue with contraceptive gel after they had completed the test period. But they don’t get that. Photo: Ulrika Fundin / Karolinska Institutet Sexual desire and muscle growth The gel works like this: The man should apply himself from the shoulders down the upper arms once a day. The combo of testosterone and progestagen inhibits sperm production, so that the man cannot get anyone pregnant. It is a well-known fact that extra supplements of testosterone, which the p-gel contains, can have side effects. Some of these have been reported in the study of p-gel. – Some have gotten a little more acne. It is very individual, says Gemzell Danielsson. The researchers are keeping a close eye on possible mood swings. Some have an increased sex drive. Some people build muscle more easily. Gemzell Danielsson says these are effects men like. – We have also asked the women if there has been a problem with the man’s increased sex drive. No one has found it to be a problem. Rather, they think it has been good. Martin (26) used birth control jelly for a year: – Was nervous The girlfriend of Martin Nilsson (26) had had problems with the contraceptives she had used. When the man from Stockholm saw an advertisement that young men were wanted in a birth control study, he was eager to join. – Some men must be the first to dare to try this. It should not only be the woman who is responsible for contraception, says Nilsson. After thorough health tests, he was accepted as a participant. He was nervous when he was going to apply the contraceptive gel for the first time in June 2020. What if he became sterile? In addition, he feared nasty side effects. But time passed, and he experienced nothing. – I felt completely as usual. Martin Nilsson believes men must take greater responsibility for contraception. Photo: Martin Nilsson Nilsson used the contraceptive gel for a year. After that he had to take regular tests. He was curious as to how long it would take for his sperm quality to peak again. – If you want to have children, you must be prepared that it may take time. For me it took about a year. It is probably very different from person to person. Now everything is as it should be! It’s good to know that I can have children sometime in the future, smiles the 26-year-old. Will men use a new contraceptive? There are many claims about contraception for men. “There is no market for male contraception” Gemzell Danielsson has heard many times. – It is not true. We have asked many men, not only in Sweden – but in many countries. The interest is huge. And a new survey conducted by Norstat for news suggests the same: 42 percent of men between 18 and 49 respond that they will consider starting with a new contraceptive when it comes on the market. The youngest are the most positive. Some are unsure whether they want to – but only 14 per cent say no. Today there are only two alternative contraceptives for men: condoms and sterilization. Photo: Sverre Lilleeng / news Sexological adviser Tore Holte Follestad has followed the research on birth control jelly. He is excited. – It seems to be a huge success. The couples would like to continue after the project period is over. Men want it – but will anyone sell it? Gemzell Danielsson confirms what Follestad says. – That is a very good sign. The men don’t do this just to be nice and stand up. But when they finish their trial period, they are not allowed to continue with the contraceptive gel. It has to hit the market first. Professor Kristina Gemzell Danielsson believes the birth control gel will be in pharmacies in 3–5 years. Photo: ULRIKA FUNDIN / KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET When news interviewed Gemzell Danielsson almost two years ago, she strongly believed that the birth control gel would be on the market in 5-7 years. Two years later, the researcher keeps to the timetable. She therefore believes contraceptive jelly will be on the market in 3–5 years. If they get funding, then. – We need to bring in a company that will market the product. They are working on the case. But it is not easy. What do you think about the possibility of contraception for men? It’s about time! No thanks, it’s not necessary You should rather do more research on new contraception for women Don’t know Show result – I think the pharmaceutical industry is misunderstanding. Those who sell contraceptives for women think they have to compete against themselves if they invest in a contraceptive for men. I think this is wrong and old fashioned. It’s not either or, says Gemzell Danielsson. In addition, she points out that the contraceptive gel is not only made for men who have a partner who is already using contraception. She says it can just as well be used by men who have casual sex and want to check that they don’t get anyone pregnant. – The time is ripe for women and men to share the responsibility, she states. Hi! So glad you’ve read this far! Do you have input on the case you have read, or other topics you think we should look into more closely? Send us an e-mail! In the past, we have written about: We would like to hear from you! Are artificial hormones dangerous? 01:50 – Boys bring attack girls to town 01:25 See what Lydia was recommended in the birth control test 01:33 Red flag or dealbreaker in the Tinder bio 02:36 Show more
