New contact and escalation in the kindergarten strike – Latest news – news

3 November 2022 at 14:48 New contact and escalation in the kindergarten strike 414 new members of the Trade Union in PBL kindergartens are going on strike from Wednesday 9 November. The withdrawals apply to 53 new kindergartens in Bodø, Bergen, Askøy and Karmøy, reports the Trade Union. The ramp-up is in addition to Utdanningsforbundet and Delta’s ramp-up, which announced on Thursday that they are withdrawing close to 300 members on Wednesday. At the same time, there is a new contact in the kindergarten strike. – There has been informal contact between the parties in the kindergarten strike today. We are continuously assessing whether there is a basis for resuming negotiations, but for now the strike will continue, says Pål Skarsbak, head of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation’s legal and contractual services department, to news. PBL (Private Barnehagers Nationalsforbund) hopes it can facilitate new negotiations. – I can confirm that the parties have spoken. PBL is impatient, and wants to contribute to a quick solution. We understand that this is also the case from the other party, says Marius Iversen, director of communications and public relations at PBL, to news. There have been no concrete negotiations, and the Ombudsman has not been involved. But in PBL, the contact is perceived as a step in the right direction.
