New attacks against Zaporizhzhya and new satellite image of the Kerch bridge – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In addition, 40 others were injured in the rocket attack that took place last night. This is reported by CNN and the Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Independent, among others. They refer to a statement from the acting mayor of the city, Anatolij Kurtev. – As a result of rocket attacks against Zaporizhzhya throughout the night, residential buildings and roads in a residential area of ​​the city have been destroyed, writes Kurtev on the Telegram messaging service, according to Reuters. Firefighters put out the fire after the rocket attack. Photo: HANDOUT / AFP The attack is said to have started at 7pm on Saturday evening local time and continued through the night. Governor Oleksandr Starukh said earlier on Sunday night that a high-rise building in the city had been hit by an attack. Pictures on social media show a block of flats that has suffered extensive damage. Exposed to several attacks On Thursday, a five-storey block of flats in the same city was hit in an attack. The death toll there has been revised up several times, most recently to 17 killed. One of the injured is a three-year-old child, governor Oleksandr Starukh of the Zaporizhzhya county wrote on Telegram. Just about a week ago, at least 25 people were killed when Russian rockets hit a motorcade that was on its way out of the same city. Russian rockets hit a motorcade with several civilian cars near the city of Zaporizhzhya in Ukraine. Those killed must have aimed to retrieve relatives in the part of the county occupied by the Russians. Russia has denied that they carry out targeted attacks on civilians. The town of Zaporizhzhya is about 125 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant of the same name. The nuclear power plant is controlled by Russian forces, but is still operated by Ukrainian employees. On Saturday there were reports from the IAEA that the power plant has lost its power supply. Shows the destruction on the Kerch bridge Parts of the Kerch bridge partially collapsed on Saturday after explosions. The bridge connects the port city of Kerch on the Crimean peninsula to Russia. A satellite image taken shortly after the explosion shows the extent of the destruction. Close-up showing train carriages on fire and the one road lying in the sea. Photo: AP The image is from the American private company Maxar Technologies and shows train carriages that are on fire and a section of road that has washed into the sea, CNN and Sky News report. Three people were killed, according to Russian authorities. They believe that it was a bomb that triggered the explosion and that Ukraine was behind it. Satellite image of the Kerch Bridge. Photo: AP Ukraine has so far not said that they were behind it, but President Volodymyr Zelenskyj’s advisor Mikhajlo Podoljak was quick to take to Twitter where he called the incident “just the beginning”. Image from the American private company Maxar Technologies. Photo: AP On Saturday evening, Russian authorities announced that the bridge is partially open for rail traffic and road transport.
