Never experienced so many overdoses as this summer – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– We are very worried, says Vidar Ruddox. He is acting head of department at the emergency center at Sykehuset in Vestfold. The emergency center is experiencing a tremendous increase in young people who have to be admitted with overdose or poisoning. Drug admissions with young people have increased dramatically since the pandemic. GRAPH: VESTFOLD HOSPITAL Photo: SiV Last year admissions increased by 60 per cent from 2021. This year it has increased even more, the figures show so far. – These are ordinary youth and young adults who come to us in a state where they cannot take care of themselves. It affects us strongly, he says. Happens every day of the week In the past, the emergency center experienced an increase in drug admissions at weekends. Now it happens all the time, says Ruddox. – It happens at all times of the day and all days of the week. Of course, it accumulates at weekends, but we see it more and more, he says. Most of the young people are between 18 and 25 years old. – We also see that there is an increase in patients admitted as young as 12, says Ruddox. The drugs are both legal and illegal, he says. Among the illegal ones, there are especially central stimulants. Don’t have an antidote for everything Ruddox believes that many young people have an expectation that there is an antidote that solves everything if things go wrong. It doesn’t, he warns. – We are ready to help everyone, but we do not have an antidote for everything. Then we are left with supporting breathing and blood circulation where we can, he says. Ambulance manager Torbjørn Lia at the Hospital in Vestfold says they often encounter unpredictable situations. Ambulance manager Torbjørn Lia at the Hospital in Vestfold. Photo: Mette Stensholt Schau / news – It has serious consequences for those involved. We feel that there is an expectation that there is an antidote for everything you take in, but not everything can be repaired, he says. Now the young people and their parents are asking to talk about good choices. – If you are in a situation without having thought about the consequences, the probability is greater that you are part of it, than that you have taken a stand before going to a party, says Ruddox. The festivals are praised The summer holidays are a holiday for drugs and drug-related admissions, confirms the emergency centre. But the festivals are not the worst places where young people get drunk, points out the head of department. – The festivals have orderly conditions and put a lot of resources into it, praises Ruddox.
