Nettselskap believes that new electricity subsidies will not amount to much – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– An average customer will be able to get NOK 50 to 60 extra in support per month. Then we are talking in the winter months. In the summer it will be lower, then we are talking NOK 10 to 30 a month, says communications manager at Elvia Morten Schau. He emphasizes that it depends on the individual’s consumption. Today, consumers are compensated on the basis of a monthly average price. From the autumn, compensation will be hourly, the government told a press conference on Wednesday evening. These are the changes to the electricity subsidy On 15 February, the Government put forward the following changes to the electricity subsidy: The scheme will be extended until 2024. The electricity subsidy for agriculture, cultural life and volunteers will also be extended until 2024. An hourly calculation for electricity subsidy will be introduced instead of the current monthly scheme. This scheme will probably not be introduced until 1 September at the earliest. The electricity subsidy is increased to 90 per cent above 70 øre per kilowatt hour also in the summer months. Elvia (formerly Hafslund Nett) has calculated the new electricity subsidy based on the communications manager’s own electricity consumption, which is 30,000 kWh per year. That’s about twice as much as their average customer. If the government’s new electricity subsidy had already been introduced in January this year, he would have received around NOK 164 more in electricity subsidy. Morten Schau, communications manager at Elvia Photo: Elvia – Now this is calculated for January, when consumption is highest and prices are high. So you cannot multiply this by twelve and get the annual average, says Schau. Støre: – Would have made a big difference in November Confronted with the claim from Elvia that the government’s new power grab will not be very successful, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre replies that this is not true. He emphasizes that it will certainly be felt that, from April to September, the electricity subsidy will go from 80 per cent to 90 per cent for kWh over 70 øre. In addition, he believes that certain months will have a major impact on people receiving support that follows the price from hour to hour instead of an average price, as it is today. – Let me take the month of November last year. Then the prices fluctuated a lot. If this system had been there then, you would have received 50 per cent more electricity support, says Støre. The government held a press conference on Wednesday evening about electricity measures Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland says that there is a big difference from month to month in how much electricity prices vary and thus also to what extent the new electricity support will give people more money in support . – Last autumn, prices were really high in August. The power support scheme that we had then was relevant. Then we got to November where there was almost zero in price in the first days and weeks, then the price became extremely high at the end. The current electricity subsidy scheme with averaging was therefore very unfavorable for people. Of course, you don’t know how prices will fluctuate in the future, points out the Prime Minister. – Electricity prices will fluctuate. It is probable. And with this scheme, where you get support hour by hour, you have greater security than you had before, says Støre. Thinks people can perceive it more fairly Even though Elvia does not think people will get much more electricity support through the government’s new scheme, it may still be that they will be more satisfied, believes the communications manager. – Many believe it is fairer that you get 90 percent of the hours you actually spend. The prices have varied a lot throughout the day, says Schau He still wants to encourage people to continue to save on electricity. – As always, the cheapest kilowatt-hour is the one you don’t use.
