Whether it’s because they make noise early in the morning or if they dive after you on the open street, most people have probably experienced some irritation with seagulls during the nesting period. But for Harry Martinsen, one seagull has cost him tens of thousands of kroner and postponed the building project for his company for several months. The seagull has decided to make a nest and brood on a rock outcropping that will actually be blown up to build a home. The company nevertheless started the project when they saw the seagull, but quite quickly received an inquiry from the Nature Conservation Association. Harry Martinsen was actually going to blow up a plot of land in Leknes in Lofoten. Photo: Private – We received an inquiry from the head of the Nature Conservation Association in Lofoten that we disturbed a seagull. He pointed out that the seagull is a red-listed species and protected. Then we had no other option but to pack up and leave, says Martinsen. The contractors considered moving the nest, but realized it would cause a lot of fuss. The seagull that is now nesting on the knoll in Lofoten is therefore costing the company several tens of thousands of kroner. – But it is worst for those who are going to build houses there. They will have a long stop. It will most likely take a month before the seagull is gone. Then we will enter the holiday season and probably won’t be able to continue work until mid-August. Lofot-Tidende has also mentioned the case. Little knowledge The seagull that established itself on the rock knaus in Lofoten is a fishing gull, also called a little gull, says the head of the Nature Conservation Association in Lofoten, Hans-Eirik Busch. It was he who sent the inquiry to the company. Hans-Eirik Busch is leader of the Lofoten Nature Conservation Association. Photo: Privat Five out of seven seagulls are on the red list and many seabirds are in rapid decline. The herring gull has been on the list since 2010. – The gulls are constantly falling short when it comes to nesting. In such cases, I think it very often ends up that they have simply been moved on or had the nest destroyed. If we are to prevent species from disappearing, we must take the red list seriously. Busch is glad the contractors took what he said and postponed the project. The reason why many would perhaps ignore it is a lack of knowledge, he believes. – I think the awareness of which seagulls are protected is not good enough. It has not been sufficiently established that it is red-listed and that it has been so since 2010. – All bird species are protected throughout the year, unless otherwise stated. During the breeding season, nests, eggs and young are protected, and unnecessary hunting of game is illegal. The biggest threat to biological diversity The nesting season for seagulls in Norway lasts roughly from May to July, says Rebecca Biong. She is an ecologist and adviser at the Nature Conservation Association. – The birds are often near urban areas. The conflict with, for example, the development of housing in areas where there are species that are vulnerable, is the biggest threat that biological diversity faces. Rebecca Biong, ecologist and adviser at the Nature Conservation Association. Photo: Naturvernforbundet / The fact that they are allowed to lay their eggs without disturbance and to get a new generation up and running is very important. This is a very critical period for the bird, according to Biong. – We have to share the space with the other species found here. It is a species that has an important role in the ecosystem of which it is a part. We humans almost just have to learn to adapt and live side by side with the seagulls. The Biodiversity Act is a comprehensive law that will ensure that we manage to safeguard our species diversity. The law must be followed by all public administration, she adds. – It is important that we remember these major nature agreements Before Christmas, Norway signed a new nature agreement. Among other things, it is about us helping to prevent and stop the loss of natural diversity. – It is important that locally in all such small matters, where there is an endangered species, consideration is given to the fact that natural diversity is something for which we have an international responsibility. Biong believes there are many smaller issues that make it difficult for the species. – It is important that we remember these major nature agreements that we must follow and that each individual is aware of that. The goals from the nature agreement should be high on the minds of those who work with management that has consequences for nature. ALSO READ: