Neighbors evacuated after threatening situation in Melbu – news Nordland

All emergency services have moved to a residential area in Hadsel municipality in Nordland on Saturday evening. – Report of a threatening person, writes the Police in Nordland at X 20.39. The police have control at the scene, they report. All emergency services responded when the police received a report of a threatening person. Photo: Jens Andre Mehammer Birkeland The police now state that the message was that a man had threatened several people with a knife. The police located the suspect early on and have had him under control ever since. – As of now, we do not want to go out with that much more, says operations manager in Nordland police district June Strand Jensen to VG. There is no danger to other people, according to the operations manager. She confirms that they have blocked off a smaller area. Photo: Jens Andre M. Birkeland / news At 21.45 on Saturday, the police report that no one was physically injured after the incident. The police are carrying out further investigations at the scene, and will open a criminal case. – The police did not want to escalate the situation, and have worked at the scene to get the suspect to cooperate, they write on X. The person will now be examined by the health care system. Photo: Jens Andre M. Birkeland / news
