Nectar to respond after news revelation – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– We treat all violations of this protocol or cases of discrimination with the utmost seriousness. The World Cup committee responded when news, SVT and DR in May revealed that several World Cup hotels refuse to accommodate gay couples. This was in stark contrast to the promises that have come from Fifa, that everyone will be welcome during the World Cup. Since then, news has sent repeated inquiries to the World Cup committee. Despite promises that they will respond within a few days, they have not wanted to say anything more. Questions they do not want to answer One of the hotels that denied gay access stated that they had not received any official information from the World Cup committee about what guidelines they should take into account. Even though the organizer in his sustainability protocol has emphasized that all their partners must take into account a set of criteria. These are the questions we have asked the World Cup organizer. Is it correct that Wyndham has not received official information from you related to accepting LGBT people? In a previous answer, you said that all hotels must comply with the criteria you have created in the sustainability protocol. How have you informed the hotels about this code, and what have you done to follow up? What kind of information did you give the hotels before listing them on your list of official World Cup hotels? What have you done after you found out that several of your hotels do not want LGBT people? Have you done enough to ensure that hotels comply with human rights and the criteria you have listed in your sustainability protocol? What kind of background check did you do on the hotels before listing them as World Cup hotels? These questions were first sent to the World Cup Committee on 12 May. Since then, news, SVT and DR have urged the World Cup organizer five times. Both at the end of May and three times in June. Each time they have answered that they are working on the questions, and that the answer will come within a few days. WC HOTEL: The Torch Hotel (left) is located right next to Khalifa Stadium, one of the football facilities to be used during the WC. Photo: USA TODAY USPW / Reuters Fifa has otherwise also received the same questions. In a reply on June 3, they write: – All hotels that will have guests for the World Cup, are obliged not to discriminate. It is an obligation Fifa and the World Cup committee have repeated in recent weeks. Extra conversations have been made with the three hotels which, according to their news item, deny homosexuals access. All other hotels have also received a reminder of the requirements that have been set for them. In its response, Fifa also pointed out that hotels that do not take into account the criteria set will have their contracts terminated. The three hotels that refuse gay access are currently on the list of official World Cup hotels. Travel to Doha On Sunday, football president Lise Klaveness was to travel to Doha together with a delegation from the European Football Association (Uefa), but Klaveness was refused boarding. According to the football president, the reason is a lack of corona documentation. She will instead travel to Qatar on Monday. Among the things she wants to address with the governing powers of Qatar and the World Cup organization are the rights of gays. CRITICAL: Football President Lise Klaveness. Photo: Hassan Ammar / AP – There you know that it is almost impossible to get a breakthrough. Nevertheless, we must press on and address the issues. Qatar and the World Cup Committee have guaranteed the safety of LGBTQ people during the championships, then the goal for us will be to understand in what way this is guaranteed. In what way do they work with this courage, for example the police and hotels that have now been revealed to be not in order yet, says Klaveness. She points out that the World Cup organizer has guaranteed that the hotel will be safe for all visitors, and therefore expects the World Cup committee to respond. – This is a specific case within the area of ​​guarantee that the World Cup Committee has addressed previously. It should be safe, they say they work with training of the police and people within the hospitality sector and hotels.
