Navalny was in the process of becoming a debauchee – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Navalny should have been released during the coming days, as an agreement had been reached regarding an exchange. That’s what opposition politician Alexei Navalny’s so-called right hand Maria Pevchikh says in a video on Monday. – On the evening of 15 February, I received a confirmation that the negotiations were in the final phase. The day after she is said to have received this message, the opposition politician was found murdered. Pevtshikh says that the negotiations should have started about two years ago, and that the process has been unnaturally long and difficult. But according to him, Navalny’s allies and Russian officials should have come closer to an agreement in February. SUPPORTING PLAYERS: Investigative journalist Maria Pevshikh (left) together with Alexei Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, and daughter Daria Navalnaya during the BAFTA film festival in 2023. Photo: Peter Nicholls / Reuters Russian corruption exposed Pevshikh is a Russian investigative journalist and chairman of the Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK). , the organization Navalny founded in 2011, has investigated and uncovered hundreds of corruption cases in the Russian state. She is particularly known for having helped to reveal Vladimir Putin’s lavish luxury by the Black Sea, where he and his allies will own a secret castle and other lavish properties. Putin himself has rejected all the debts. Exchange for assassins In the video published on the late Navalny’s official YouTube channel, Pevchikh claims that he and two Americans were to be exchanged for Vadim Krasikov, a Russian assassin. Krasikov is serving a life sentence in a German prison for the murder of Chechen troop commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in 2019. Kangoshvili was a well-known oppositionist who fought against Russia in the war in Chechnya. President Vladimir Putin, however, has not commented on the allegations that a prisoner exchange was planned. In contrast, the Russian president hinted at negotiations in the much-discussed Tucker-Carlson interview earlier in February. Here, Putin said that talks were underway, and pointed to a “Russian patriot” who is supposed to have “eliminated a bandit” in a European capital, who experts believed to be Vadim Krasikov. What actually happened? Russian Ivan Zhdanov, former head of the Anti-Corruption Fund and Navalny ally, also wrote in a message on X that negotiations should have been underway. Both he and Pevshikh believe that Putin must have changed his mind at the last moment. But what actually happened to Navalny is unknown. According to the prison he was in, he must have lost consciousness after a walk, and died. Russian authorities say that they do not know the cause of death, but that they have an open investigation. In the aftermath of Aleksej Navanlyj’s death, hundreds of people took to the streets in several European cities to express their anger and frustration at his death. Photo: Annegret Hilse / Reuters Experts and Western leaders, on the other hand, believe that it is clearly the Russian state that has taken Navalny’s life. US President Joe Biden is clear that Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre also believes that the Russian authorities are asking for “full responsibility”, and points out that it is nothing new at all for opposition figures to die in Russian prisons. – Now it has been confirmed again that this is the way one treats oppositionists, Støre told news the day the death news came.
