NATO summit in Vilnius is underway – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– It is absolutely crucial that you continue to lead NATO. We trust you and no one knows the situation we are in better, said Biden to the press and Stoltenberg. It was a short meeting and neither of them answered questions from the press. It recently became known that Stoltenberg will continue his job as NATO chief for another year, which Biden is clearly satisfied with. – I still believe that Putin believes that the way to success is by destroying NATO. He won’t be able to do that, especially with you as leader, said Biden. Stoltenberg is satisfied that Sweden can finally become an official NATO member. Photo: AFP He also shares Stoltenberg’s view that this is a historic day, and thanked the NATO chief for the work he has done in getting Finland and Sweden in as NATO members. – It is important that Sweden and Finland have become members of NATO and your leadership was decisive for this. I look forward to working with you further for a united NATO. – Historic day On the blue carpet in Vilnius, Stoltenberg met the press earlier today, where he talked, among other things, about Sweden’s membership in NATO and the way forward for Ukraine. There has long been great excitement about whether Sweden could get its long-awaited Nato yes during the summit in Lithuania’s capital. – The agreement that Sweden will now become a full member of the alliance makes this summit historic, said Stoltenberg. The mood is good among the Nordic leaders in Vilnius. Photo: Kristoffer Thoner / SMK Russia responds that the expansion of NATO with Sweden is seen as a danger to Russian security. This was said by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, according to AFP. – The negative consequences are unforgivable, and we are planning countermeasures, he said. Opens for Ukrainian “fast track” The time has come to move away from the so-called MAP process for Ukraine, according to Stoltenberg. This allows for faster processing of the country’s application. – Ukraine is much closer to NATO, so I believe that the time has come for that to be reflected in NATO’s decisions, Stoltenberg said. With this, Stoltenberg wants to open a Ukrainian “fast track” into NATO. But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi criticizes NATO for what he believes is “hesitation” about when Ukraine should be admitted into the alliance. Reuters reports. In a message on Twitter, he writes that he has received mixed signals from NATO and that it is absurd that no time frame is set for when Ukraine will become a member. – It seems that they don’t know when to invite us or make us members. Uncertainty is weak and NATO’s attitude will motivate Russia to continue its terror, Zelensky writes. He is expected to arrive in Vilnius tonight and attend the NATO Ukraine Council on Wednesday. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will meet NATO countries in Vilnius tomorrow. Photo: Gunnar Bratthammer / news AFP: Germany and France give more money and weapons French President Emmanuel Macron promises long-range missiles to Ukraine as he arrives at the NATO summit in Vilnius. – In light of the situation and the counter-offensive carried out by Ukraine, I have decided to increase the deliveries of weapons and equipment and to give the Ukrainians deep attack capabilities, says Macron. France has previously refrained from providing Ukraine with long-range missiles, as it opens the door to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Jens Stoltenberg and Ulf Kristersson after Turkey gave a long-awaited “yes” to Sweden. Photo: NATO Russia reacts strongly and says such a decision will have consequences for Ukraine. – Delivery of long-range missiles to Ukraine is a mistake that will have consequences for Ukraine, says Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov and adds that Russia will then have to introduce missiles with the same range. Germany, for its part, is providing a new aid package worth NOK eight billion. It will include 40 Marder armored personnel carriers, 25 Leopard tanks, five other armored vehicles and two Patriot air defense systems. In addition, Germany will deliver 20,000 artillery shells, drones and equipment for drone defense. The country’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz also states that the G7 countries will come up with a declaration on how they will contribute to securing Ukraine after the war is over. – No change in Russian nuclear weapon positions When asked whether NATO has seen changes in the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons recently, Stoltenberg replied no. This despite the fact that Russia says it will place nuclear weapons along the Ukrainian border in Belarus. Stoltenberg calls Russia’s nuclear rhetoric irresponsible and dangerous. – NATO allies are watching closely what Russia is doing. We are on guard, said Stoltenberg. Further arms support to Ukraine Stoltenberg also made it clear that NATO will come up with a plan for further arms support to Ukraine. He calls it the meeting’s “most important task”. – I will not comment on the specific wording now, but rest assured that the message will be positive, strong and united from the NATO allies. A load of 155mm long-range artillery shells from Norway to Ukraine is being loaded aboard a C-17 transport aircraft. Photo: Snorre Tønset At the same time, it became known today that Norway is increasing its military support to Ukraine by NOK 2.5 billion to NOK 10 billion in 2023. The money is given as part of the Nansen programme, the government states in a press release. F-16 aircraft not part of the agreement Turkey has wanted to buy F-16 aircraft from the US to modernize its fighter fleet, but has met opposition in Congress in the US. US President Joe Biden, on the other hand, wants, in consultation with Congress, to transfer F-16 aircraft to Turkey, says security adviser Jake Sullivan, according to Reuters. President Joe Biden wants to sell F-16 aircraft to Ukraine. According to Stoltenberg, this was not part of the agreement with Erdogan to give the green light to Sweden’s NATO application. – I welcome all dialogue between Turkey and the US about the F-16, but it is not part of the agreement we entered into yesterday, says Stoltenberg.
