National team paddlers Amund and Eivind Vold were both diagnosed with cancer – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– I have wondered a lot about it myself, and so has the family. What this could be due to. You start to think all possible thoughts, says Eivind Vold to news. news meets national team paddler Eivind Vold at Bestumkilen in Oslo. He is in good spirits despite the fact that it has only been a week and a half since he was diagnosed. – I discovered a lump on my thigh which eventually turned out to be soft tissue sarcoma. A very unusual form of cancer. Then it was straight into the operating theatre, he explains. ON YOUR LEGS: Eivind Vold underwent surgery on Friday. He hopes that he will soon be in good shape again. Photo: Privat He was operated on last weekend. On Saturday, he celebrated his 31st birthday with the news that the operation was successful and that he is probably rid of the cancer. He himself shared a post about the cancer announcement on Instagram the same day. VG has also mentioned elder brother Vold’s operation. – I am very clear that this is nowhere near the same as what Amund had to go through. Because when little brother Amund Vold (26) got the news that his brother had also become seriously ill, it hit him hard. – First of all, I was incredibly scared, says Amund Vold to news. – What has happened here? Five years ago, Amund Vold was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The cancer diagnosis was a year-long battle. Today he is completely healthy and back as a professional paddler. He finds it difficult to understand that his brother would also get cancer. – What has happened here? We are both healthy and top athletes. Cancer at such short intervals? So you wonder what is going on, says Amund Vold. – The doctors have said that it is extremely special. At such short intervals, and so young, and so well trained. They see no reason for it. It’s just bad luck, he continues. – It is not good to say. I don’t know if I should blame it on the fact that paddling is carcinogenic, says Eivind and laughs. He points out that there is nothing in the genes or in the family history to suggest that both of them would get cancer at such a young age. – The doctors have been very clear that these two cases have been completely independent of each other, and that we have just had bad luck, explains the older brother. – Perspective on things Despite the fact that things have gone well, Eivind Vold will still have to go for regular check-ups for the next ten years. He himself says that he felt much worse when his little brother Amund fell ill. – I have seen how he has handled it, and I think it has been very exemplary. I don’t think anything positive will come of digging in, he says. ARR: This is what Eivind Vold’s leg looked like after the doctors had removed the cancerous tumour. Photo: Privat Eivind is the European champion in marathon paddling, has several WC bronzes and has won the NM in paddling 44 times. The aim for the brothers was to make it to the Olympics in Paris, but they failed to qualify. After Amund recovered, they took WC bronze in the K2 marathon twice. – In terms of illness, it has been a bit much. But it puts things into perspective. People appreciate being active and playing sports, says Eivind. – The way it has gone so far, we are really just incredibly relieved. I just hope it continues like this. When we have both had such bad luck, we hope that this will go well in the end. And there is every reason why it should, concludes Amund. Ruined Scottish party with dream goal 02:43 The German machine rolls on 03:40 Albania shook Croatia 02:52 Skiing for the first time after the horror fall 00:45 Show more Published 18.06.2024, at 07.04
