National outbreak of salmonella – confirmed infection in 31 people – news Vestland

The persons live in Vestland (11), Viken (8), Telemark and Vestfold (5), Innlandet (2), Trøndelag (2), Troms and Finnmark (1), Møre and Romsdal (1) and Oslo (1). This is what FHI writes in a press release. 13 of those infected have been hospitalized with salmonellosis. Typical symptoms are diarrhoea, headache, abdominal pain, nausea and possibly fever. – The number of people admitted to hospital is high FHI has launched an outbreak investigation in collaboration with local municipal chief medical officers, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Veterinary Institute. – The number of people admitted to hospital in this outbreak is high, but we have no indication that this salmonella variant causes more serious illness than other salmonella variants, says senior adviser Heidi Lange at the Institute of Public Health. All were infected in November. The source of infection is currently unknown. Salmonella bacteria are mainly transmitted through food. – The people who have been diagnosed with the bacteria live in 8 counties. It is therefore likely that they are infected through a food product that is distributed throughout the country. They are now being interviewed to assess whether they may have a common source of infection, says Lange, and adds: – It is too early to say whether this is a limited outbreak or whether it will increase in scope, and whether we will be able to find the source of infection. We are following the situation closely.
