Narve Gilje Nordås puts ice on the row after Per Svela did not get accreditation – Olympics Paris 2024

At 5pm on Wednesday, Nordås strolled into the arrival hall at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. At his side, coach Gjert Ingebrigtsen. During the WC in Budapest last year, when Nordås took a sensational bronze in the 1500 metres, Per Svela was also in the traveling party as an accredited helper. He is not this year, which has caused a stir in the last week. – I would of course have him with me. It was seen in Budapest last year that it had a good effect. It provides peace and security in everyday life, but it is not like that now. There is nothing you can do about it. – Are you disappointed by that? – I don’t want to talk about disappointment right now, but I would have liked to see him here. It is not like that. Unfortunately, Nordås tells news. ON TOUR TOGETHER: Per Svela took part in a press conference together with Narve Gilje Nordås during the WC last year. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB – Putting ice on it On July 27, VG wrote that Jakob Ingebrigtsen is bringing his brother Filip as a personal support person during the Olympics. Filip Ingebrigtsen had received an accreditation that gives him access to the participant village, the training track and the warm-up track, so that he can follow up with his brother right up to the start of the competition and after the competition. VG also wrote: “Narve Gilje Nordås’ training partner Per Svela will get access to the participant village where Norway’s athletes live.” The next day, Svela came out strongly in VG: – I can no longer accept that NFIF and OLT use me as an alibi to continue discriminating and treating Narve differently, he said. – It’s just sad and mindless. It is a great shame for Narve that he is being discriminated against in that way. They try to wrap it up as him getting help, but it’s just nonsense, Svela said, pointing out that access in the participant village had no value. DISSATISFIED: Per Svela was accredited as a personal assistant for Narve Gilje Nordås during the WC in Budapest last year. This year he will not receive Olympic accreditation. That makes him react. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB He also stated that Nordås has been “systematically opposed, bullied and discriminated against” by employees of NFIF and OLT. – There has been some noise, how has it affected you? – Nothing, I think. I’m thinking of putting some ice on it now, and looking forward to the competitions. Don’t talk too much about it along the way. – Rather afterwards? – Even afterwards, right. When the time comes. Here and now it’s just a matter of running, says Nordås at the airport. COACH: Gjert Ingebrigtsen has been coach for Narve Gilje Nordås (right) and Per Svela (left) after the Ingebrigtsen brothers broke off their collaboration with their own father. Gjert does not get accreditation for championships this summer. Photo: Paul S. Amundsen / NTB – Don’t bother spending energy on it Last year, Svela received accreditation as a personal assistant for Nordås during the WC. Then he lived with Nordås and was also involved in training and during the warm-up for the race. So it won’t be like this in Paris. That doesn’t bother coach Ingebrigtsen. – I’m not too worried about it. I think it will go very well. We can’t do anything about what we can’t do anything about. It is clear that it would have been nice if Svela was here. Both socially and sportingly, but we have to take what we get. – Are you critical of that? – If I am critical of it? No, I don’t bother spending energy on it at all, says Gjert Ingebrigtsen before Nordås humorously breaks in: – There has been enough milling and thundering and raging now, I think. Coach Gjert Ingebrigtsen is neither concerned nor critical that Per Svela is not here. The association’s reasoning On 29 July, the head of sports in the athletics association, Erlend Slokvik, gave this explanation in a text message to news as to why Svela was not accredited: “We only have one extra accreditation per session, and then it goes to Filip since Jakob is better ranked. » On the same day, Svela could confirm to news that he had been contacted by the general secretary of the athletics association, Kjetil Hildeskor. – The general secretary told me today that Narve should also bring someone to the Olympics, and that he should do everything in his power to contribute to this, and to ensure that everyone is as well prepared as possible for the Olympics, said Svela CEO: General secretary Kjetil Hildeskor in the Athletics Federation together with sports director Erlend Slokvik. The picture is from 2018. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB – I feel that he shows understanding for the situation we are now in. He also seems surprised by the process and communication from the union’s side, Svela elaborated. Secretary-General Kjetil Hildeskor confirmed to news that he had had a conversation with Svela. He perceived this as an internal conversation, and did not want to go into the details of what they were talking about. But Hildeskor was open about the outcome: – This was discussed with sporting apparatus and checked with the Olympiatoppen. The conclusion was that it was not possible, Hildeskor wrote to news. – Don’t understand the timing Since then, the discussion in the media has mostly been about whether it was wise for Svela to go out in the media with such a statement shortly before the Olympics. – It is extremely distracting and helps to breathe life into the conflict again. I’m not sure how wise it is, said TV2’s sports commentator Mina Finstad Berg to VG. She was supported by news’s ​​athletics expert Vebjørn Rodal. – With regard to what happened in Rome, where Narve said that everything outside of sports created problems, I don’t understand the timing of the action, he said. EXPERT: Vebjørn Rodal. Photo: Sigmund Sagberg Andersen / news Rodal referred to the conflict surrounding the housing situation for Nordås and Svela during the EC in Rome earlier this summer. There, the duo chose, against the wishes of the athletics association, to stay in a different athlete hotel than the rest of the Norwegian squad. It caused an uproar in the media, and it has subsequently been confirmed that the noise was probably a contributing factor to the European Championship being a major setback for the man who took WC bronze last year: – I was in the basement, I was resigned. I was done, he told news during the NM in Sandnes. Despite the message from Kjetil Hildeskor that it was impossible for Svela to get full accreditation for the Olympics, news knows that the apparatus around Narve Gilje Nordås has continued to work behind the scenes. But Svela was not on the plane that landed in Paris on Wednesday afternoon. See the star back in the tournament final 02:22 The Norwegian golf star breaks down because of her own joke 00:38 Laughs at Ingebrigtsen’s stunt: – I wouldn’t have dared 00:45 The tennis player Gauff argues with judges, says she always has to defend herself 01: 04 Show more Published 31.07.2024, at 17.48 Updated 31.07.2024, at 18.14
