Nancy Pelosi’s husband attacked with a hammer – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

A man in his 40s broke into the couple’s house and attacked Paul Pelosi (82) with a hammer. Police in San Francisco, the couple’s hometown, said during a news conference early Saturday that the attack was not random. The man was probably looking for the 82-year-old’s wife, Nancy Pelosi. During the attack, he is said to have screamed “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?”. This is written by the Washington Post, among others. Home of Nancy and Paul Pelosi in San Francisco. Photo: Godofredo A. Vásquez / AP In a statement from Drew Hammil, spokesman for Pelosi, it is stated that the attacker allegedly threatened Paul’s life while he demanded to see Nancy. The attack occurred only 11 days before the mid-term elections in the United States. It also happened at a time when threats against politicians in the country are higher than ever. – Everyone should be disgusted Paul Pelosi was taken to hospital after the attack. There he had to be operated on for a fractured skull, serious injuries to one arm and both hands. San Francisco Police Chief of Investigation William Scott said during the press conference that Pelosi had tried to defend herself against the attack. San Francisco Police Chief of Investigations William Scott. The picture was taken at an earlier press conference. Photo: Eric Risberg / AP – When we arrived, both the accused and Pelosi had one hand each on the hammer. When we asked them to put it down, the accused hammer yanked out of Pelosi’s grip and attacked him again. Scott was clearly emotional during the press conference. – The families of our politicians should not be subjected to something like that. No one should be subjected to such. Absolutely everyone should be disgusted by today’s events, he said, his voice thick. A bouquet of flowers laid outside the couple’s home in San Francisco. Photo: Godofredo A. Vásquez / AP Record number of threats against politicians Nancy Pelosi, who is the second in line to take over the presidency has security guards from the US Capitol Police (USCP). Her husband has not, unless they stay in the same place. In 2021, the USCP investigated no less than 10,000 specific threats against members of the US Congress. That is more than twice as many compared to 2017, writes the news agency AP. The proportion has particularly increased after the congressional storming on January 6, 2021. Police photographed outside the house of Nancy and Paul Pelosi after the attack on Friday morning. Photo: JUSTIN SULLIVAN / AFP Members of Congress have long asked for increased protection for themselves and their families. – Attacks like this force us to want change, says Republican Rodney Davis to the news agency. – We must also make sure to calm down the violent and violent rhetoric that inspires people to do things like this, he adds. Charged with attempted murder The accused man has been identified in several American media. He is charged with attempted murder, burglary and violence against an elderly person, AP writes. CNN writes that the man was known for publishing conspiracy theories and far-right ideology on his social media accounts. The man is said to have been particularly concerned with corona vaccines, the presidential election in 2020 and the storming of Congress.
