“Name of the year” Jens Stoltenberg has come home for Christmas – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has arrived in the studio. He sits straight back and stares hard, and looks at the television camera, which is not yet on. He is in work mode. – Good and bad days The American television channel CNN wants him at the top of the broadcast, but they have asked him to show up far too early. I therefore see my intention to photograph this Norwegian who has stood in the breach for Nato for years. He who always talks about why there is war, and about how there will be peace. – We must be able to stand by Ukraine in good times, but also in bad days, difficult days, he says. I wonder why he is so stiff in his mask, and he is confused by the question. Shouldn’t I photograph as if he’s on the air? Stoltenberg prefers to gesture when the camera is off. Photo: Kjersti Strømmen / news Pro This man is obviously a pro. Every time I snap a picture, he goes into a sort of freeze, as if not a single smile wrinkle or finger must get in the way of the trust and professionalism he must convey. Therefore, we have to talk a little about skiing, about how hard the road is right now, and whether he will ever slow down enough to enjoy the peace and quiet in Nordmarka. Really like that. Then comes the smile and the gesticulation, and he allows himself to sparkle. He claims that after the Nato mission there is an end to foreign missions. Guaranteed. – Then I’m going home, he says, with emphasis on shall. Maybe to convince himself? CNN wanted Jens Stoltenberg at the top of the broadcast and the interview was done at news. Photo: Kjersti Strømmen / news Dollar to Ukraine The NATO chief is jovial. He likes to talk about things other than war, but not for too long. He is at work. And where does CNN end up? Yes, now they are finally ready for him at the top. – Of course it would have been much better if the US Congress had decided to give a new package of money to Ukraine before Christmas, says Stoltenberg. His English still has a strong Norwegian accent, but the message is direct. He trusts that the dollars will be granted. – This is not alms. This is not something we do only to support Ukraine, but we do it for our own security, says the NATO chief. Quick steps towards the next studio. Photo: Kjersti Strømmen / news In heels Soon he is on his way to a new studio. He has to go down the stairs from news’s ​​news department, through the long corridor, and into Dagsrevyen’s main hall. On his heels are several security personnel, and someone’s two children who have been allowed to join. Dagsrevyen’s duty manager shows the way with quick steps and small talk to prevent Stoltenberg from stopping to talk to others who have questions. That usually happens. In the back room, Stoltenberg manages to discuss the climate with another guest. In the break room before talking about Ukraine again. Photo: Kjersti Strømmen / news – Farligere And then the light is on him. Again. – It would be a tragedy for Ukraine if Putin wins the war, but it is also dangerous for us, says Stoltenberg, and explains: – It would be a message to him and other authoritarian leaders, that when they use military force, when they invade a other country, then they get what they want. Then the world becomes more dangerous, says the NATO chief. He has been Secretary General of NATO for nine years. Before that he was Norway’s Prime Minister. So he is used to being the boss. Common goal As NATO commander, it is mostly about getting the troops together for a common goal. – And now VG has named you the name of the year. What do you think about it? asks the presenter. Stoltenberg replies that recognition is nice, but mostly he sees it as recognition for the tens of thousands who work for NATO. – Not least all the women and men in uniform who help get support to Ukraine, who guard our borders, and who patrol the air and seas to keep a billion people living in NATO countries safe. Outside the studio there are several people who want to greet him and wish him Merry Christmas. Apparently, the Nato chief finds it pleasant to talk to everyone. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg warms up for an interview with CNN. Photo: Kjersti Strømmen / news Julefred In the hallway, a reporter is waiting with several questions about Ukraine, and about how the focus will be on this when there is now also war in Gaza. He again becomes extremely concentrated and sharp in his gaze. – There is no doubt that the war in Gaza is brutal and terrible in itself, and deserves full attention, says Stoltenberg. At the same time, he sees that it has ripple effects for Ukraine and for the ability to mobilize the necessary support. He adds that it is important to get it done anyway. – It is in our security interest that President Putin does not win, says the NATO chief. When Stoltenberg finally leaves the news building, night has almost fallen, but snow and good skiing conditions have been reported. It may bode well for a bit of Christmas time off, also for “Mr. War and Peace”. It is usually about war and peace when Jens Stoltenberg is in a TV studio. Photo: Kjersti Strømmen / news
