– My sister got out just before the building collapsed – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

At least 2,700 people have died after last night’s earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Hakan Öztorun lives in Hadeland, but has large parts of his family in Turkey. He told news that he did not hear from them until 8:00 a.m. – several hours after the first quake. – We called and wondered why they didn’t answer. In the meantime, they fight for their lives. His brother is said to have driven to his sister and heard her screaming under the ruins. They live in Adıyaman. – He knocked down the door and rescued her and her daughter, says Öztorun. A house has completely collapsed in Diyarbakir in Turkey. A baby is saved in Malatya in Turkey. Malatya in Turkey. A destroyed mosque in Malatya in Turkey. Malatya in Turkey. Malatya in Turkey. Malatya in Turkey. Everyone has lost their home. – It’s the same with the soil. My sister and her husband, who live in Malatya, barely managed to escape before the building collapsed behind them, says Öztorun. – I am glad that no lives were lost. My heart was in my throat before I found out they were alive. Hakan Öztorun. Photo: Pål Martin Rossing / news Can’t get in touch with the family Halil Dörtkas is from the town of Gölbaşı in Turkey, but lives in Bergen. He is very worried about the family with whom he has not been able to make contact. – They don’t have electricity or telephones. There is no heat and it is snowing down there, he says. Halil Dörtkas in Bergen. Photo: Mette Anthun / news He is afraid that family members are under the ruins. – My cousin lives near the epicenter and was rescued from the ruins. We do not know what has happened and how he is doing now. It is shocking and sad. I have no words. The buildings shake – This is a terrible situation. We have no electricity and no water, says family father Ahmad al Hadid, who is in Idlib in Syria. The family of six is ​​standing in the street when news calls. The buildings are still shaking. – I have four small children who are scared and who are angry, says Hadid. The call is interrupted due to the power failure. Ahmad Al Hadid shows the damage after the earthquake. Redd Shadi Alnaqshi is on holiday in Turkey, around 25 kilometers from the center of the earthquake. – I woke up to what felt like five to six men standing and shaking my bed. The situation afterwards, no, I have no words, says Alnaqshi to news. – I heard things smashing, people shouting, screaming, crying, he adds. Mosque in Turkey. Photo: Private Alnaqshi now resides in a mosque near where he lived, together with about 300 others. – Most of them are elderly people, people in wheelchairs, women and children. We have no electricity, no water. The gas is closed. No shops, cafes or restaurants are open. Everything is closed, so what we have to eat today is some biscuits. – This is just completely indescribable. I have no words, says Alnaqshi. The earthquake struck southeast Turkey, near the border with Syria. In shock The earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria last night had a magnitude of 7.8. In Ankara, 60 kilometers from the epicenter, Vibecke Jægersen Reigstad could feel the swells from the quake. – I suddenly felt that everything was shaking, and it didn’t work. It just shakes and shakes, she says. Picture of the road that Vibecke Jægersen Reigstad has been sent by the neighbor. Photo: Private Norunn Langøy is in Kozan, just a couple of hours’ drive from the epicenter. – It was as if the whole ground was undulating beneath me, says Langøy to news. Langøy has never experienced anything like it. – We are in shock. Some grin and some laugh. We have escaped to a village. Here we sit with my boyfriend’s family. Everyone sits and rings. They are trying to find out if acquaintances and loved ones have been hit, says Langøy.
