Must secure cruise ships without emissions – do not receive a loan for facilities for shore power – news Vestland

In 2019, 158 cruise ships arrived at Flåm. Many of them are old and emit polluting smoke while lying in the fjord. In four years, there will be new rules prohibiting ships from releasing anything. That is why it is urgent, among other things, to put in place a system that can supply the ships with electricity while they are at the quay, so that they can stop the engines. The requirement has meant that so far no visits by cruise ships have been reported in Flåm in 2026. – As long as we do not have a clarification, there is also no cruise owner team that books, says Tokvam. Uncertain income The Landstrauma facility in Flåm is estimated to cost NOK 90 million. So far, they have received 27 million from Enova. But so far the financing of the last two thirds of the cost is lacking. But with highly uncertain income after 2026, it is not easy to get a loan from the bank. – The service life of such a facility is around 20 years, and then the facility must be serviced. But with secure income only until 2026, it is not enough to make such an investment, says Tokvam. Will ask the state for help Aurland Port Authority is a municipally owned company. Mayor Trygve Skjerdal (Sp) says that the municipality can not afford to give such large guarantees or turn up the entire amount that is missing. – We hope for state aid and will send an application for a state guarantee, and thus also make it possible to raise money from several parties, says Skjerdal. Take up the matter in the Storting It has led Storting representative Liv Kari Eskeland (H) to ask written questions to the Minister of Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide about what the government will do to ensure the establishment of shore power as planned before 2022. In 2018, the Storting decided that the heritage fjords should be zero-emission fjords by 2026, and all other fjords in 2030. Liv Kari Eskeland (H) thinks Aurland municipality needs more support from the state for onshore power plants. Photo: Cecilie Victoria Jensen / Høyre – Because the World Heritage fjords were four years ahead of the others, we said that they had to get a little extra traction from the Storting and the government. However, the onshore trauma facility will be put in place in the tourist pearl inst in the Sognefjord before the deadline begins to rush. – 2022 is starting to come to an end, at least if you are going to have a large onshore power plant in place, says Eskeland. – The first decision in the case was made in 2018, it is over four pages, so it is clear we are starting to get impatient, says port manager Tor Mikkel Tokvam. Port Manager Tor Mikkel Tokvam in Aurland needs clarification. Photo: Ole Andre Rekkedal / news Awaiting report with response At the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, they see that through Enova they have approved NOK 27 million, and that Enova has postponed the deadline for when the plant will be in operation until 1 April 2023. – Guarantees beyond that we have not talked about until now, so it may be something we have to come eighteenth to, says State Secretary Aleksander Øren Heen. State Secretary Aleksander Øren Heen (Sp) admits that the onshore trauma facility in Flåm will be in place this year, but says Enova has extended the deadline to 2023. Photo: CECILIE BERGAN STUEDAL – I understand the uncertainty they feel. Now we have to wait for the report that the Norwegian Maritime Directorate will bring this autumn, and then we will have to take it from there, he says. The Directorate has been commissioned to prepare a presentation on how a requirement for zero emissions in the World Heritage fjords from 2026 can be established and implemented. Asks the state to guarantee a loan In the Conservative Party, Eskeland thinks that it is going too slowly – the Storting has approved that the state will contribute with a land trauma facility, and what I ask is that the state provides a guarantor for the loan that is needed. “This with a state guarantee is something that has appeared recently, and is thus not something we have decided on yet. As far as I know, we have not received any application for a state guarantee,” says Heen.
