Must introduce diesel buses in Oslo – Greater Oslo

Cold days cause problems for the electric buses in Oslo. Severe cold affects the range. The buses run out of electricity faster. Many bus departures have been canceled recently, including today. Now Ruter has deployed what they call emergency buses. There are diesel buses that were in traffic until the New Year. – They have been introduced due to a lack of buses. It is the cold and the driving conditions that are to blame for the fact that we are missing some buses, says communications manager Cathrine Myhren-Haugen in Ruter. Range problems and snow problems – There is a shorter range on the electric buses, and there are also some of the electric buses that were damaged last week in connection with winter and difficult driving conditions. There are nine of these reserve buses, says Myhren-Haugen. It was TV 2 that first mentioned the use of diesel buses. The problems have appeared steadily. Last week, the snowy weather also caused problems for many of the buses in Oslo. Many hundreds of flights were then cancelled. A month ago there were also cold problems. Many electric buses had to be taken out of service because the cold made it difficult for them.
