16th century: Southern Sami begin to use the Storheia mountain area as winter pasture for reindeer. 2006: Statkraft Development AS reported interest to NVE for the development of facilities at Fosen 2008: NVE received a license application for Storheia wind power plant 2010: NVE grants a license to SAE Vind DA to build and operate Storheia wind power plant. The concession is being appealed. 2013: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy confirmed NVE’s decision on a license for SAE Vind DA to build and operate the Storheia wind power plant. 2014: The case is recorded in the court system by the Fovsen Njaarke reindeer herding district. 2015: June: Plans for development at Fosen are shelved due to poor finances in the project. 2016: February: Statkraft, Trønderenergi and Nordic wind power DA announce that 11 billion will be invested in the Fosen development. 2016: The concession is transferred to Fosen Vind DA. Construction work on the access road to Storheia started in June of the same year. 2018: The UN asks Norway to halt development on Storheia until the matter is resolved in the legal system. The state does not accept this. 2020: The turbines at Storheia are put into normal operation. 2020: August: Both the reindeer owners and developer Fosen vind appeal the verdict from the Frostating Court of Appeal from 8 June to the Supreme Court. 2021: The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court rules that the licenses for the operation of Roan and Storheia and the expropriation of areas for the development are invalid. 2022: February: Fosen Vind submits a proposal to OED with a study program and progress plan for how to achieve both reindeer husbandry and turbines on Storheia. 2022: July: The government sends a letter to the Sámi Parliament where they explain that they have a goal of keeping both wind power and the reindeer herding at Fosen. 2022: The Sami population insists that this is a matter of the right to cultural practice and that nature must be returned to the way it was before the development. Source: news