Must have used a submachine gun of this type during the terrorist attack – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Witnesses have described how terror suspect Zaniar Matapour (43) put a black bag on the ground and picked up an automatic weapon before the shots were fired at the nightclubs in Oslo. Now news is informed that the one weapon the accused used was a machine gun of the type MP40. VG first mentioned the case. From this bag, the perpetrator pulled out a weapon. Photo: Nadir Alam / news – At the distance he fired, this is a fairly precise weapon even though the shooting rate can be high, says lawyer Pål S. Jensen. Jensen is a former police officer, and works a lot with cases around weapons and hunting. The step on the weapon Jensen says that it is a fairly ordinary submachine gun, which was also used by the Home Guard for a long time. – It was phased out when MP5 came. These are weapons that were left in Norway after the Germans from World War II, he says. news has previously spoken to one of those who witnessed the mass shooting in Oslo, and stepped on the weapon so that the accused would not get hold of it. He witnessed a civilian man run towards the perpetrator idea he changed magazines, and took a tackle on the accused. He then lost his weapon. From World War II The MP40 is a German submachine gun from World War II. The weapon has a caliber of 9 millimeters and the magazine holds 32 cartridges. It can fire 500 shots per minute. Over one million such weapons were produced in the first half of the 1940s. The MP40 was used in the Norwegian Armed Forces after the war, and by officers in the Norwegian Home Guard until the 1990s. Then it was replaced with the modern model MP5. This is not the first time a weapon of this type has appeared in the criminal environment. In 2017, a man was arrested in Oslo, and charged with possession of an MP40 submachine gun and three pistols. The man, who confessed to having been in possession of the weapon, is also mentioned in a court ruling related to the environment around the Prophet’s Ummah and Arfan Bhatti. Considering wanted list Earlier today, it was announced that the Oslo police and PST are considering whether to call for the Islamist Arfan Bhatti internationally, writes Dagbladet. The police security service and the police in Oslo believe that there has been contact between Zaniar Matapour (43) and the Islamist Arfan Bhatti. Dagbladet confirms this from several sources. Arfan Bhatti has been central to the Norwegian extremist community in Norway, and supports sharia law. Bhatti has been convicted several times, including for threats, extortion and violence. The two should not be close friends. PST believes that Matapour has recently had a place in an environment where Arfan Bhatti is considered a leading figure, the newspaper writes. news is aware that Bhatti is said to have stayed in Pakistan for a period. Bhatti’s lawyer John Christian Elden is not aware of any international search. – If they want contact with Bhatti, they can reach him at any time. He is not a suspect in the criminal case, and I do not know more, he says to news. The Oslo police press guard does not want to comment on the case to news. Religious texts on Facebook news has previously written that Matapour had contact with Bhatti. Earlier this month, Bhatti posted several religious quotes about the killing of gays on his Facebook profile. Arfan Bhatti recently posted several photos and texts on his Facebook profile. Photo: Screenshot / news – The quote is one of the hadiths that is used as a basis for the death penalty for homosexuality in Islam, Sylo Taraku has previously told news. Taraku is an advisor in Tankesmien Agenda, and has written a column on the topic in Aftenposten. Facebook later closed Bhatti’s account.
