– Must have a chat with the boss – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– I think I have to have a chat with the boss when I get home, Marit Ishol Skogan grinned after the preliminary highlight of her career. 3rd place at the start of the hunt in Lenzerheide almost came as a shock both to her and those around her. Neither she nor those around her were prepared for the enormous rise. This was by no means what she had in mind when she applied for leave from her job at XXL Lillehammer. On 19 December, however, it was over and this year’s Norwegian biathlon sensation was back, ready to take over the shop. – I have missed quite a few shifts. I go to work on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m actually going to work a few shifts in January, but I wonder if there won’t be a crash with some skiing, so I have to change them. I understand now that this is going to be a bit difficult, says the 25-year-old from Steinkjer. JUBILEE: Marit Ishol Skogan has secured the first podium of her career in the World Cup. Photo: Gian Ehrenzeller / AP Håver cashes in on the success The question is how much longer she needs the extra income her job at XXL provides. Because it pays to deliver a number of top positions in the World Cup. – I have no idea how much I earned from this, said Skogan after the 3rd place in Switzerland. – You received 9,000 euros today, news’s ​​reporter could inform. – That’s pretty much yes. If XXL can match that salary, I promise not to quit, she jokes. Overall, throughout the season so far, Skogan has earned around NOK 270,000 in the World Cup. Not a very bad monthly salary in December. – The hourly payment is fantastic considering the 30 minutes we worked on today, but I have been doing this for 15 years and the hourly payment may not be so good after all. But that may change during the season. Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold is to be put in the chains of the hymen together with her fiancé Trygve Markset in the summer. Before this year’s biathlon season, she issued a warning to fiancé Tiril Eckhoff. Now she regrets it. – Extremely impressive The success now stands in stark contrast to last season, where she was nowhere near getting a place in the World Cup. Then she wasn’t good enough to go to the IBU Cup, which is the level below the World Cup. – It is extremely impressive. Generally, runners who come from outside need some adjustment time and experience before finding out if they take the level or not. Marit picked it up quickly and has improved race by race, coach Sverre Huber Kaas praises. COACH: Sverre Huber Kaas. Photo: NTB He is also full of praise for how Skogan has joined the group and contributed with his good mood. Like most others, Huber Kaas is surprised by the enormous progress. – Most likely she must have had the level inside, but never got it out in competition. You have to be a very good biathlete to make the top ten in the World Cup. And then a good training job has been put in over many years, he says. – Unfortunately for XXL After three days at XXL, it’s back home to Steinkjer for the Christmas holidays. Teammate Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold thinks it could be Skogan’s last working days in the store. – There has been a lot of talk about Marit’s extra job, and I think, unfortunately for XXL, that it may be over now. There is a lot of fun happening in the New Year that she will be part of, says the biathlon star. Over Christmas, the World Cup races await in Oberhof on 4–7. January. Later in the month, the biathletes move on to Ruhpolding and Anterselva, before the WC awaits in February. – For us, it’s about balance in everyday life. I would never recommend runners to do anything else between runs and be careful not to get sick. Then we know that the income is not sky-high for everyone, then it is understandable that you do not want to do anything on the side, says Huber Kaas.
