Murdered woman in Lørenskog may have been dead for two days – was found by her friend – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It was the two of us at work, we joked and laughed. She was like a big sister to me, says the woman in her 20s to news. On Thursday, she found her colleague and friend (31) murdered in an apartment in Lørenskog outside Oslo. The woman, whom we will leave anonymous, was the one who alerted the police. – It is difficult to describe her. She was so good in every way. She was kind, sweet and caring. She was helpful and understanding. She was everything that was good, the woman tells news. She cannot forget the sight that greeted her in her friend’s apartment. – I struggle to sleep, because I think about what I saw. I sit and watch TV and suddenly have “flashbacks” to what happened, she says. The door to the woman’s apartment was unlocked, and she was found by a private person. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news – Bad stomach feeling The woman and a colleague were surprised when the 31-year-old did not come to work on Wednesday morning. When her friend called her, the phone was switched off. There was no response to the messages she sent. – I thought maybe she had overslept and not charged the phone, she explains. But over the course of the day she became restless. She then tried to contact the woman’s boyfriend – the man who is now charged with murder. He didn’t answer either. – When we finished work, I had a bad feeling in my stomach, says the colleague. Unlocked front door Because she couldn’t get hold of her friend, the woman decided to go to her house on Wednesday. Then she didn’t get into the hallway. The next day she tried again, and got into the block. There she found her friend’s door unlocked. – Actually, I’m quite scared as a person, but there was somehow something in me that said I had to go in, explains the woman. She spoke to a mutual colleague on FaceTime as she entered the apartment. There she found her friend dead. – After that I screamed to my colleague “she’s dead, she’s dead”. And then I ran out, says the woman. Unknown time of death The 31-year-old may have been dead for at least a day before she was found. According to what news knows, her last sign of life came from her on Tuesday this week. And she didn’t show up for work on Wednesday. Police prosecutor Marit Aurdal does not want to say anything about when the woman was killed: – That is something the closer investigation must uncover, and there is also information that I do not want to release at the moment, she says, and adds: – But we have an idea of ​​when death has occurred. Police prosecutor Marit Aurdal will not say anything about the time of death. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news news has been in contact with Monica Melgård, who is assisting the lawyer in the case. She has no comments at this time. Lovers before the murder A man in his 30s is charged with murder, and will be remanded in custody for four weeks. In questioning, the man said that he and the dead woman were lovers. – According to the accused, they had been there for approximately 4-5 months before this incident, says Aurdal. The man denies having anything to do with the murder. And for being at the scene. The police still believe that the tracks point to him. And working with several hypotheses for a possible motive. – Central to the investigation is the relationship between the deceased and the accused, says Aurdal. Memorial at work Now the woman in her 20s is unsure when she can bear to go back to the office where the two friends worked together. – The first thought that strikes me when I wake up every day is that she is gone. I still walk around waiting for her to send me an SMS, she says. It is difficult to accept that her friend of two years is gone, she says. The workplace is closed on Tuesday. The colleagues will have a memorial service for the dead woman. – I feel that she is still here, even though she is not. I go and wait to see her again at work, even though I know it won’t happen.
