Murder suspect’s father arrested after school shooting in USA – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Large forces from the police moved to Apalachee High School in Winder in the state of Georgia on Wednesday morning, local time, after reports of a shooting at the school. Two students and two teachers have been killed, and nine injured have been taken to hospital. The first police forces arrived at Apalachee High School when they received a report of the shooting. Photo: ABC Affiliate WSB / Reuters – All nine hospitalized are expected to survive, says Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith at a press conference on Wednesday. Shortly after the incident, a 14-year-old boy was arrested, whom they suspect is behind the shooting. He is a student at the school. – He has been arrested for murder and will be tried as an adult, says investigating officer Chris Hosey. The following day, the 14-year-old’s father was also arrested and charged with negligent homicide. Police say the school received a threat by phone early Wednesday morning, warning that there would be shootings at five schools, and that Apalachee would be the first. The police got control of the 14-year-old after a short time. – The teenager surrendered immediately, and was taken into custody, says Hosey. The authorities are investigating how the suspect got the weapon into the school. Investigator Chris Hosey Photo: Elijah Nouvelage / Reuters/NTB Questioned the suspect last year The 14-year-old student was questioned by the police last year after several anonymous tips about “threats on the Internet about school shootings”, according to a joint statement from the FBI Atlanta and the local police. The teenager denied the online threats. Both he and his father were questioned by the police. The father then said that he had hunting weapons in the house, but that the son did not have free access to them. Schools in the area were told by the city’s sheriff to keep an eye on the 14-year-old. The FBI believed at the time that they had no reason for arrest or additional measures, the statement says. Thursday night, the 54-year-old father was arrested and charged after his son shot and killed two teachers and two students at Aplachee High School on Wednesday. – The police believe the father deliberately allowed his son to have a weapon, Chris Hosey said at a press conference on Thursday evening, local time Photo: Elijah Nouvelage / Reuters Leaving the classroom Student Lyela Sayarath sat next to the accused 14-year-old just before the incident took place on Wednesday . She told CNN that he left the classroom at the start of their math lesson. She thought he was going to the toilet, but when it took time for him to return, she thought he had dropped out of class. But the 14-year-old returned to the closed door of the classroom, which, according to Lyela, locks automatically. Another fellow student went to open the door, but she jumped to the side when she saw he had a gun. – I guess he understood that we weren’t going to let him in, and that he went to the classroom next to us. There the door was open, and I think he shot there, says Lyela to CNN. All the students in her classroom hid behind desks when they heard the shots. She describes the 14-year-old as quiet and shy. Police cordons around Apalachee High School Photo: Megan Varner / Getty Images via AFP/NTB Had chemistry class when he heard gunshots 17-year-old Sergio Caldera tells ABC News that he was in chemistry class when he heard gunshots and screaming. He says that the teacher opened the door, and that another teacher ran in and told her to close the door “because there is an active shooter”. The mother of another student at the school told CNN that her son heard eight or nine gunshots before he closed the classroom door. The students blocked the door with tables and chairs. While the students and teacher stayed together in the classroom, someone knocked hard on the door and shouted for it to be opened. When the pounding stopped, Caldera heard several gunshots and screams. He says the class was later evacuated onto the school’s football field. The school’s pupils and teachers have been evacuated to the school’s football pitch. Photo: ABC Affiliate WSB / Reuters Schools in Barrow County will be closed for the rest of the week. – A cruel tragedy The emergency services were notified of the incident at 10.23 local time and rushed to the school with large resources. Medical helicopters were also deployed to evacuate the seriously injured, according to US media. In addition, agents from the FBI’s offices in Atlanta were dispatched to the scene to assist local police. The school’s students wait to be picked up by their parents after the shooting. Photo: AFP The US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, calls the shooting “a cruel tragedy”. “We are still gathering information, but the FBI and ATF are in place and working with local, federal and state law enforcement,” Garland said. President Joe Biden said he mourned those killed. – What should have been a joyous back-to-school day in Winder, Georgia has now become yet another cruel reminder of how gun violence continues to tear our community apart. US President Joe Biden Photo: AP – Students across the country must learn how to duck and hide, instead of learning to read and write. We cannot continue to accept this as normal, Biden said. “The time has come to stop ‘this epidemic’ of gun violence,” said Vice President Kamala Harris. – It’s just terrible. Parents have to go and fear that their children will not make it home alive from school. We must stop this! It doesn’t have to be this way! Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump also sends warm thoughts to the victims and their relatives. – These children were taken from us far too soon by a sick monster, writes Trump on the platform Truth Social. 1.5 mass shootings every day so far this year The United States has experienced at least 385 mass shootings so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive. A mass shooting is defined there as a shooting episode in which four or more victims are shot. That’s an average of more than 1.5 mass shootings each day so far this year. Published 04/09/2024, at 19.46 Updated 06.09.2024, at 02.42
