Murder accused surprised – admits to having shot Bård Lanes – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Four men are charged with having killed Bård Lanes in April 2021, or having played a role in the murder. The police believe the murder was carefully planned and the man they believe shot Lanes is a 27-year-old man from Sunnmøre, previously convicted of desecration of a corpse. In a packed courtroom, with many relatives, the 27-year-old will probably explain himself to the Vestfold district court later on Tuesday. When the public prosecutor read out the indictment, he asked if the 27-year-old pleaded guilty. – I plead guilty to having shot, he said. Lane’s girlfriend broke down in tears shortly after the realization came. She sits just a few meters away from the accused in court. The 27-year-old also pleaded guilty to beating up a fellow prisoner when he was in custody. The public prosecutor has previously said that it is appropriate to ask for detention. These are the defendants in the case: Man (27) The prosecution believes that the man from Sunnmøre, on behalf of one of the other defendants, fired the shots at Lanes. According to the indictment, the murder was planned for a long time. The man, who has previously been convicted of desecration of a corpse, denies guilt. The state prosecutor has warned that it may be appropriate to ask for a custodial sentence for the 27-year-old. Man (31) The prosecution believes this is the man who ordered the murder. According to the indictment, the 31-year-old was also involved on planning. Previously convicted for, among other things, the storage of illegal weapons. Refuses to be guilty of murder. Man (33) The prosecution believes the man was the driver on the night of the murder. Owned the car that was found burnt out on Sem shortly after the murder. Refuses to be guilty. Man (23 ) Brazilian citizen. The prosecution believes the man was involved in planning and preparing the murder. Denies criminal liability for complicity in murder.
