Municipalities in the districts and the North collaborate to ensure competence outside the cities – news Nordland

There is a lack of expertise in both kindergartens and schools in Norway. Especially outside the big cities, it is difficult to get hold of qualified people. – We have to do something, and we have to do it now, says Hanne Gravrok. She is project manager in Lærerinord, a collaborative project between Nord University and the municipalities in the region. The aim is to inform potential students about the opportunities available. Some municipalities do a lot to secure competence. Yet few know about the possibilities. In Bø in Vesterålen, they go so far as to give a professional group their full salary while they study. Get a full salary while they study Bø municipality has been one of Norway’s most talked about municipalities in recent years. First, the place was nicknamed “Norway’s Monaco” when they cut the wealth tax. They then tempted young couples with both money and a free nursery place. In 2011, the municipality was on the way to the Robek list, but earlier this year it became known that Bø is the third best governed municipality in the country. Mayor of Bø, Sture Pedersen, has taken many measures to improve the municipality’s situation. Photo: Lars-Bjørn Martinsen / news They are doing something right, but they still lack some competence. Among other things in kindergartens: – We lack kindergarten teachers and we have to do something about that, says school and kindergarten manager in Bø municipality, Hans Pettersen. Bø has a municipal recruitment scheme for kindergarten teachers. The scheme gives students NOK 25,000 per semester if the student commits to the municipality for two years after graduation. Total: NOK 150,000 over three years. Nord University will, through the new project Lærerinord, make the educations more popular. Photo: Bente H. Johansen / news But not everyone has the opportunity to be a full-time student. Bø municipality has also thought of them. – If you work and take your studies part-time, the students can choose whether they want NOK 25,000 each semester or whether they want paid leave while they are at assemblies. Pettersen adds: – Most people choose the latter. Then they have full pay and go to meetings. Not possible without the support Jeanett Pedersen works in Straume kindergarten in Bø. At the same time, she is studying to become a kindergarten teacher. The agreement with the municipality means that it is not financially painful to go to gatherings. – With a house and family, this is very important. There are a few weeks during the year so it affects the finances if I hadn’t received a salary, she says to news. – I am very happy that this solution exists so that I can take the education. Jeanett Pedersen is studying kindergarten teacher alongside her job. The collections do not mean that she gets worse advice. Photo: Private Jeanett Pedersen says that she also has half price for kindergarten in Bø. – Would it have been possible for you to be a student without this solution? – Not since my partner is also a full-time student. Then it would have become very tight financially, Pedersen replies. She believes it is important that the municipalities in the districts make arrangements for people to get an education. – If they lack people in various professions, arrangements should be made for people to complete. I think it is very good to have a supplement like this so that the pressure is relieved a little. Did you know that some municipalities offer scholarships and wages during your studies? Beginners in Lofoten Bø municipality is just one of the municipalities that will now collaborate with Nord University. Gravrok, the project manager for Lærerinord, says they will contact all the head of education in the region. In consultation with the municipalities, they will arrange information meetings where they try to reach out to potential students. The Lærerinord project starts with information meetings in Lofoten. The picture is from Svolvær in Vågan municipality. Photo: Synnøve Sundby Fallmyr / news Already this week, information meetings will be arranged in both Vågan and Vestvågøy in Lofoten. The aim is precisely to get information out about what opportunities the municipalities can give students. Vågan municipality, for example, gives student teachers the opportunity to apply for additional grants. – They can be granted 60,000 over two years in return for committing for two years. That’s what Veslemøy Drangvåg says. She is the municipal director for education in Vågan municipality. The recruitment work has hardly become less important after the teachers’ strike ended. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news – If we manage to reach five people, that’s very good. There are five people who we are likely to retain or bring back to the municipality. She thinks a collaboration with the university will be exciting – and hopes it can bear fruit. ALSO READ:
