Municipal and county council elections 2023: Several municipalities are breaking the law

Unused, new and without anyone working there. The office at Hareid Health Center, which is set aside for a psychologist, has been empty since the building was opened in 2021. – We have set aside money in the budget, we have done that in all the years the legal requirement has existed, but we have not succeeded in getting the fish on the hook yet. That’s what Ottar Røyset, municipal manager for welfare in Hareid municipality, says. They are struggling to get hold of a psychologist, and they are not the only ones. From 1 January 2020, it was required by law for municipalities and districts to have psychological expertise. But in 2022 there were still 69 municipalities that did not have it. This is shown by figures from Statistics Norway. Nordland is the county where the most municipalities lack psychologists, while in Oslo all the districts have acquired one. Municipalities that did not have a psychologist service in 2022 AGDER: Farsund Gjerstad Vegårshei Tvedestrand Evje and Hornnes Lyngdal INLAND: Nord-Odal Sør-Odal Grue Åsnes Stor-Elvdal Nordre Land MØRE OG ROMSDAL: Herøy Hareid Stranda Gjemnes Tingvoll Fjord Hustadvika NORTHLAND: Sømna Herøy Alstahaug Grane Hattfjelldal Dønna Nesna Hemnes Gildeskål Røst Værøy Hadsel OSLO: VIKEN: ROGALAND: Sokndal Lund Bjerkreim Hjelmeland Tysvær TROMS AND FINNMARK: Vardø Hammerfest Gratangen Målselv Nordreisa Nordkapp Karasjok Lebesby Gamvik Berlevåg Nesseby TRØNDELAG: Osen Holtålen Lierne Flatanger Hitra VESTFOLD AND TELEMARK: Siljan Kragerø Drangedal Nome VESTLAND: Sveio Bømlo Fitjar Masfjorden Gulen Hyllestad Vik Sogndal Askvoll Fjaler Gloppen Many municipalities are struggling to get a psychologist. It is the least central and those with the lowest population who struggle the most. Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / news Solveig Bryne Stølan from Statistics Norway explains that approximately one fifth of the municipalities have not succeeded in acquiring psychological expertise. And it is the least central municipalities and those with the lowest population that lack a psychologist. Struggling with recruitment Hareid municipality is located in the sea gap on Søre Sunnmøre, and has just over 5,000 inhabitants. – There are too few psychologists who want to work in smaller municipalities. I think most people want a larger professional environment, says the municipal manager. Ottar Røyset, municipal manager for welfare in Hareid municipality, says that they are now in dialogue with a psychologist they hope will come to the municipality. Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / news So the office at Helsehuset remains empty. – We have not had a psychologist before either, and have made it work well nonetheless. But it is clear, a psychologist will enrich our services, says Røyset. And he believes it is not the lack of will that matters. They have advertised the position twice in four years. – We have also been in direct contact with several psychologists, we have discussed cooperation with the neighboring municipalities, and we have been in contact with those who supply digital psychological services. But he also points out that he thinks the money they get to get a psychologist is not enough. Hareid Health Center was put into use from 2021 onwards. But an important piece is missing: a psychologist. Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / news Thinks the government must help the municipalities – It’s not good. Not only is it stupid from a legal perspective, but also from a mental health perspective. Julian Buckholm Taknæs from Kristiansund studies nursing care and works in the health sector. He himself has felt the need for a psychologist, and knows several people who have stood in long queues to get help. He is critical of the fact that several municipalities do not yet have psychologists available to residents. – It is easy to narrow the health perspective down to physical health, but it covers both physical, mental and social health. To remove a full third of that perspective, I think is dangerous. Julian Buckholm Taknæs has also been part of Nyhetsmorgens’ young debate panel this summer. He is strongly committed to mental health. Photo: Marius André Jenssen Stenberg / news Buckholm Taknæs believes that people’s mental health must be taken more seriously. If the municipalities are unable to employ a psychologist on their own, the government and the state should help. – There is a general lack of health personnel in Norway, and psychologists are no exception there. Getting more people to train as psychologists is one thing, but when it comes to municipalities recruiting psychologists – there are different measures that can be taken. Among other things, he mentions that the municipalities can offer to pay off the student loans of newly qualified psychologists. – But the downside is that not all municipalities have the resources to do so – and then it is up to the government and the state to provide more funds to the municipalities in question. Again, you have to take mental health more seriously, says the student. The office of the desired municipal psychologist in Hareid is empty. It has done so since the new health center was built. Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / news – A challenge State Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Care, Truls Vasvik, says that it is first and foremost good that a large majority of municipalities have been given space for psychological expertise. – But then it is important for this government that you get equal access to help regardless of where you live in the country – so it is important that it is followed up. He explains that the government has launched an escalation plan for mental health that will last for ten years, with a focus on low-threshold services in the municipalities. – This year, too, we have transferred NOK 150 million to the municipalities, which will go to exactly that, says Vasvik. He also emphasizes that smaller municipalities that struggle to recruit can enter into collaboration with other municipalities. Hareid municipality has just over 5,000 inhabitants and is located in Søre Sunnmøre. Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / news – It’s a challenge. We are not alone in this, says the municipal manager in Hareid. He explains that they are now in dialogue with a psychologist, and if that doesn’t work out either, they will have to advertise the position once again. – We want to have a municipal psychologist in Hareid as well, he says.
