Mum’s chair on the podium is empty – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Instead of participating in the festivities in Oslo, Narges Mohammadi will mark that she has been awarded the world’s most prestigious prize in her prison cell in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran, which she shares with other female political prisoners. Mohammadi is the fourth peace laureate in history to be imprisoned while the peace prize is being awarded; German Carl von Ossietzky in 1936, Chinese Liu Xiaobo in 2010 and Belarusian Ales Byaljatsky in 2022. Liu’s empty chair became a striking symbol that went around the world. This year there is also an empty chair in the middle of the podium. But in the chairs next to them sit the twins Kiana and Ali. The two 17-year-olds will accept the award on their mother’s behalf, the famous gold Nobel medal, the peace prize diploma and 11 million Swedish kroner. At the mother’s request, they will also deliver her speech. It has been smuggled out of the prison via good helpers. Mohammadi’s spouse Taghi and younger brother Hamidreza, who fled his home country and live in Oslo, also sit in the first row of the hall. Same case, same prize – 20 years after Narges Mohammedi receives the peace prize for her fight for women and human rights in Iran. Also present is Shirin Ebadi, exactly on the day 20 years after she herself stood in Oslo City Hall on 10 December 2003 and received the peace prize, for the same cause as this year. Working for Ebadi and her Center for the Defense of Human Rights, Mohammedi continued the fight after regime pressure forced Ebadi to leave her homeland. The Iranian ambassador has been invited to the ceremony, but the Nobel Committee stated on Friday that there had been no response to the invitation. Follow the awarding ceremony and the Nobel days in news’s ​​News Centre: Every year the mint is given the job of making perhaps the world’s most prestigious medal, Alfred Nobel’s peace prize. On his deathbed, he wrote a will in which he wanted to award a peace prize to the person or people who work to ensure or preserve peace. Reporter Lars Os asks, why do we have the Nobel Peace Prize?
