Mudslide in Grane municipality – several evacuees – news Nordland

On Valryggen in Grane, a mudslide has occurred across a road. – I didn’t see the collapse when it happened, we were called when we were at work, and drove home to see what had happened, says Gudmund Forsmo, who lives in the area. The landslide has, among other things, had consequences for two trailers that were standing in the square. – We saw that a large landslide had occurred, and it had taken two box trailers with it which have been completely wrecked. We have been ordered away from Valryggen and we are not allowed to live there until geologists have examined the place. It was Helgelendingen who first reported the landslide. A trailer that has been crushed by the landslide on Valryggen in Grane municipality. Photo: Gudmund Forsmo Can be opened on Sunday To Helgelendingen, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration confirms that the incident must have occurred in connection with the construction of the E6. – It is loose material we have stored, soil and gravel that we cannot use for road construction, which has fallen out. Apart from the fact that it has fallen from our warehouse on site, we do not know more about the cause, says sub-project manager Stian Rystad to the newspaper. Now geologists will investigate the area, and the message is that the road is scheduled to be opened on Sunday morning. – Then hopefully we will be able to move back again. All three households that have been evacuated, says Forsmo. He says that the landslide has been both wide and long, with great forces involved. – There are great forces that have been at work. The slide is probably 3.5 m high at its highest, and has a width of 40 meters and a length of 200 metres. That’s great power, that’s it. There are many people who travel there now because of the construction traffic, says the resident. – As I understand it, the landslide came quite late, I think they had enough opportunity to get away. No municipal services affected To Helgelendingen, the municipal manager of technical and industry, Børge Steinmo Johnsen, says that no municipal services are affected. – We were notified shortly after it happened by LNS (Leonard Nilsen and sons, contractor on site), and started follow-up shortly after that. We then checked whether municipal services were affected, for example home nursing and school transport, and whether residents are safe, he says, and continues: – As of now, no municipal services are affected. We are following up on what has happened. Published 20.09.2024, at 15.26 Updated 20.09.2024, at 16.02
