Motorist drove straight into a landslide in Kvam – news Vestland

22 December 2022 at 11:28 Motorist drove straight into a landslide in Kvam It became dramatic for a motorist who was driving on county road 576 in Kvam in Vestland on Thursday morning. During the morning, there has been a major landslide, which has dragged masses of people into the road. A car drove straight into the landslide, writes Hordaland Folkeblad. The pictures show that the car has partially driven into the avalanche masses. The driver who was in the car is said to be uninjured after the incident. The road between Mundheim and Oma has been closed on the spot since the landslide. – A car has driven into the landslide, but not been hit by it, says operations manager Dan Erik Johannessen in the West police district. They were notified of the incident at 7.30 on Thursday. At 1:00 p.m., the Road Traffic Center reports that the county road will apparently be closed for the rest of the day. The reason is that the landslide has caused damage to the road network that requires repair.
