Mother explains herself in abuse case in Hordaland district court – father, mother, older brother and neighbor accused – news Vestland

– My whole life was destroyed and changed in two seconds. That’s what the accused mother said at the beginning of her statement in Hordaland District Court on Monday. She was clearly affected by the situation and broke down in tears several times during the explanation. – There is no one who can understand this if they have not experienced getting false debts of the worst kind on earth against them. She is accused of gross rape against her two youngest children. The woman in her 40s is also accused of being present while the father in the family assaulted both the son and the daughter. The indictment states that she did nothing to prevent the abuse. The abuse took place over several years. In addition to the mother and father, their eldest son and a man from the same neighborhood are also defendants in the case, which has shocked the Westland municipality they lived in. – We don’t have much experience with female abusers. We have the Alvdal case and some other slightly bigger cases. That’s what Tone Davik from Kripos said when she testified earlier in the case. She is a subject specialist in arranged hearings for children. – Little experience with this type of case, Davik pointed to research which shows that it is very difficult for children to tell about sexual abuse. – They hold back and hold back and hold back. The roughest things are the furthest inside, she said. She explained that a close relationship makes it more likely that the children will be able to tell much less, because loyalty is strong. Furthermore, she pointed to research which says that the threshold for telling is even higher if the abuser is a woman. – But the study clearly shows that I have too little experience with this type of matter. In a research article, discussed among other things in Psykologitidsskriftet, it is said that there may be a dark story about potential abuse committed by women. Knut Hermstad from RVTS Midt. Photo: Ole Marius Trøen Sexologist and counselor at RVTS Midt, St. Olav’s hospital, Knut Hermstad, tells news that there is little data on this. – It is a fact that the proportion of female perpetrators of sexual assault is lower than that of men. But the difference is probably lower than what one gets the impression of through the judiciary, he says. But there is little research into why. – Then you move on to more “common sense” explanations, where you look at traditional gender role patterns, that you don’t think women can commit such abuse and other similar explanations, says Hermstad. Left the room several times Lawyer Astrid Aksnes defends the mother. – She does not recognize herself in the descriptions of what she is accused of, Aksnes said before the trial started. Astrid Aksnes defends the mother in the court case. Photo: Maria Gunanrsdotter Svedal / news Mora has previously had to leave the courtroom on several occasions in the trial. The defense attorney explains that it is because she has more than enough to deal with the case in which she herself is accused. – It becomes too much to take in all the information that the daughter brings in the case concerning the neighbor at the same time. It is a serious matter and details that she says she cannot take in right now. When the court was about to start playing more than 50 hours of prepared hearings, the mother was allowed to leave the courtroom during the hearings concerning the neighbor’s case. He is accused of gross abuse against her daughter and against his own son. In addition, she left the room when the neighbor had to explain himself last week. This is how the case unfolded In autumn 2020, the “neighbour”, a man in his 30s, was arrested. Child protection had then received three reports of concern. Two of them expressed concern about the relationship between the neighbor and the daughter in the family. They were observed on a playground and in a pool, and the reporter said that it was unpleasant to see the relationship the man had with the girl. Another report of concern concerned claims the children had brought with other children. Among other things, one of the children is said to have said “When mum is late for work, I have to undress dad”. During the investigation of the neighbour, the police became interested in the parents in his neighbourhood. The woman in her 40s and the man in her 50s were both arrested in the summer of 2021. The neighbour, mother and father were charged in December 2022. Later, their eldest son, the “big brother”, was also involved. In February this year, he was taken into custody and charged in the same case. All four are charged with aggravated rape of children under the age of 14. It carries a penalty of 21 years in prison. In the indictment, it appears that the public prosecutor will consider asking for detention when it concerns the father in the family. On 28 August 2023, the case started in Hordaland district court. According to the plan, she will last for ten weeks. At first thought the man was guilty When the children’s father was arrested, the mother thought he was guilty. – I believed what the children and the police said, she said in court. The father of the children has previously been convicted of possession of abuse material. But then she too was targeted. – I was shocked. Here it is shock after shock all the time, she said. Today, she believes that the father of the children is also innocent. All four defendants deny criminal liability and say there has never been any abuse. They are critical of the work of child protection and the police and believe that the children may have been influenced to give false explanations. The case has been in court for ten weeks, this is the fifth week. The first three weeks were spent watching over 50 hours of arranged interviews with the offended children. Last week, the defendants began their explanations. After the mother has finished explaining, it is the defendant’s elder brother’s turn. Then over 100 people will testify. These are the four defendants. Man in his 50s. Father of two of the victims. Accused of aggravated rape of his son and daughter. The abuse must have happened on several occasions and over several years. Both children were under ten years old when the abuse started. Several of the abuses are said to have occurred against both children at the same time. The father also allegedly forced the youngest son to abuse his younger sister. Is also accused of sexual acts against his own dog. Was previously sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for downloading abuse material between 2013 and 2017. Woman in her 40s. Mother of two of the victims. She is charged with aggravated rape of her son and daughter. The abuse must have occurred on several occasions and over several years. According to the indictment, both children were under ten years old when the abuse started. According to the indictment, she was aware that her son was being abused by his own father. She must have been present during the assault without doing anything to stop it. She is also said to have shown her daughter films that show child abuse. Man in his 20s, oldest son in the family and older brother of two of the offended. Accused of aggravated rape of his own sister and his own brother. The abuse must have continued over several years. They are said to have started when the brother and sister were under ten years old. Man in his 30s. Neighbor of the other defendants in the case and father of one of the victims. He is charged with aggravated rape of his own son and the girl next door. The assault is said to have occurred several times over a period of around one year. Both children were under ten years old when the abuse started. In addition to assaulting both of them, he is said to have caused the two to perform sexual acts against each other. against children.
