Moskenes wants municipal amalgamation – news Nordland

Vesle Moskenes municipality in Lofoten is known for its idyllic landscape and spectacular mountains. But beneath the surface, a big problem hides. The mosques are in a major financial crisis. They have been on the Robek list for 12 years and have previously said that they will have to declare “bankruptcy” if they do not get help with the bills. In an attempt to turn the tide, municipal amalgamation was discussed during today’s municipal council meeting. – In the first instance, this is an invitation to the various municipalities if they want to help sort out a merger, says Mayor Hanna Sverdrup. In the proposal to Sverdrup and the chairmanship, there is talk of talks with the other Lofoten municipalities, and Bodø. The proposal was well received by the municipal council, but one thing stuck. Namely the bit about merging with the county seat. Lofoten consists of the municipalities of Vågan, Vestvågøy, Flakstad, Moskenes, Værøy and Røst. Do not want to include Bodø – I have submitted a proposal to remove Bodø. I think it is more natural that the municipalities in Lofoten are in teams. That’s according to the municipal council representative from Bygdelista in Moskenes, Anette Morrison. She adds: – I see that there is little point in crossing the fjord and proposing to them. She is not the only one in the municipal council who wants to stay on one side of the Vestfjorden. Svein Georg Cato Gabrielsen from SV is also not sure whether going together with Bodø is a good idea. – We get a hierarchy here. We do not have the same interest in Bodø as in the Lofoten municipalities. I also ask why Bodø? They also struggle financially. Then we might as well go to Bærum or Sola, which are rich municipalities, says Gabrielsen. The politicians chose instead to go to find out whether they can merge with the other 5 municipalities in Lofoten. Photo: Benjamin Fredriksen / Benjamin Fredriksen / news Ragnhild Olsen also agrees with her other two colleagues. – It is more natural to build a stronger brand for us within fisheries and tourism in Lofoten. We cannot risk ending up like Bodø municipality’s cottage field, says Olsen. The municipal board said no to Bodø A new large municipality in Lofoten will have around 23,500 inhabitants, and will be quite large in the context of northern Norway. But it is not only the politicians in Moskenes who want a large municipality. news has previously written about the founder and day-to-day manager of SALT in Lofoten, Kjersti Eline Tønessen Busch in Svolvær, who wants a municipality. – Lofoten is being profiled. It is a culture that goes a long way in common, she said. The municipal board voted to resolve a proposal for a merger with the other municipalities in Lofoten, but without Bodø. – I think it has been exciting to see what kind of opportunities lie there, but the majority in the municipal council want to prioritize spending time on the municipalities in Lofoten, and I respect that, says Sverdrup. – Do you think merger is the solution for Moskenes? – We will have to look at that, but there are so many large and advanced tasks to be solved, which is difficult when you are small. Mayor of Moskenes Hanna Sverdrup says Moskenes has many big tasks they must solve. Photo: Unstad Photography / Laila Henriette Høyen Furthermore, they will now be sending out inquiries to Flakstad, Vestvågøy, Vågan, Værøy and Røst if they wish to discuss amalgamation. – Whether it will be one or more municipalities, we will see that in the autumn when the various municipalities can deal with it in the various municipal councils. What happens to the debt? The government has given NOK 15 million to follow up the municipality in crisis, to build expertise and capacity in collaboration with other municipalities. State administrator Tom Cato Karlsen believes it is wise that Moskenes voted to consider a merger with the Lofoten municipalities. – We have said in the past that it is wise for Moskenes to have a plan B. Because if you are not successful with the restructuring process in Moskenes, you must still ensure that the residents have good and safe services. State administrator Tom Cato Karlsen. Photo: Vilde Bratland Erikstad / news He says it remains to be seen what happens to Moskenes’ debt of NOK 120 million if there is a merger. – Is there an appreciation if there is a merger? – It is not me who decides. It is the current government that does it, but I think of the time it mourns. If you get to the point where the municipalities voluntarily wish to merge, then there will be a discussion about how to resolve the debt that Moskenes has. Published 11.06.2024, at 20.27 Updated 11.06.2024, at 20.29
