Morten Thoresen’s election worries Felix Baldauf and Exauce Mukubu – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Because while Mukubu and Baldauf chose to remain in the Norwegian wrestling group, Morten Thoresen chose to withdraw. – I think it is very sad that it should turn out like this, says Exauce Mukubu to news. He and Baldauf chose to trust the new Norwegian plan with sporting director Thor Hyllegaard and coach Szymon Kogut from the Danish national team, while Thoresen wanted to maintain the collaboration with Fritz Aanes and Stig-André Berge after they retired as national team coaches. – I have to do what is right for me to win an Olympic medal. I just hope the boys let it sink in, think about it and understand my decision, says Morten Thoresen in the news series “Hodet i klemme”. STANDING OUT OF THE NATIONAL TEAM: Morten Thoresen. The EC gold in 2020 is the highlight of his career. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB Thoresen: – It hurts. Baldauf and Mukubu both have experience of standing outside the group. The first mentioned when he chose to invest alone together with his childhood coach Eren Gjægtvik. Nevertheless, Baldauf is disappointed by the election of Thoresen. – We agreed that we had to stick together as a group. So it is clear that you will be disappointed when you decide to go your own way. It is disappointing, but at the same time I have said that I understand it, says Baldauf to news. STRONG TEAM SPIRIT: Morten Thorsen is praised by his teammates Felix Baldauf, Oskar Marvik and Exauce Mukubu after the European Championship gold in 2020. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB – It hurts. I like being part of the group. I have always been that. Of course I want to be part of the group, says Thoresen in the TV series. He does not wish to say anything more about the matter than what has been said in the series. Mukubu was also left out of the national team group when he won WC gold in the U23 WC last autumn. – I did it because I had no choice, I was thrown out, but here is someone who actually excludes himself when we try to include him. I think that’s a real shame, says the recent silver winner in the U23 EC. – Clicks on the mat He believes that Thoresen’s choice can ruin the rest of the group. – For the group’s sake, it can help prevent the achievements from rising, as there is always unrest there. One always wonders if he is well, says Mukubu. – Does anyone recognize a betrayal with what Morten has done? – I don’t want to say a betrayal, but I was taken aback. It was not what one expected considering how we have talked about things in the past. It was actually quite a strange atmosphere and especially the choices that were made, says “Exo”. SURPRISED: The wrestler Exauce Mukubu. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB Mukubu thinks the training in the Norwegian national wrestling team has never been better than it is now, and thinks Thoresen will be a better wrestler if he comes back. – He has to give it a chance before he can do what he did. I know he has not done that. I gave it quite a long chance myself, before I decided to make the choice I did, says Mukubu. Both he and Baldauf support their former teammate, even if they think he has made the wrong choice for himself and the group. PROFILE: The wrestler Felix Baldauf. Photo: Espen Langeveld / news – I wish Morten only the best. If that’s the way he has to take, that’s the way he has to take. I will still give him a good hug, and cheer him on in the stands when he hits the mat, says Baldauf. – Ultimately, I think that it can be very good, Thoresen finally says in the last episode of “Hodet i klemme”, season two. Next on the program for the Norwegian wrestlers is the EC from 28 March to 3 April in Zagreb.
